Chapter 24: Aftermath of the raid

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3rd POV:

As Izuku was enjoying his time at his base and dealing with his organization's affairs, LeMillion had returned to UA under the insult of people that he went by as many had seen the actions of the heroes on site of the raid and were disgusted with what the heroes had done. LeMillion gripped his hands and was pissed. He was pissed that he didn't really save the girl they went to save, he was pissed that his mentor had died, he was pissed that the Verdant Emperor had gained even more public support against heroes and the government by using what they did for his organization's benefit. Though, he couldn't blame Verdant Emperor for too much since he hated what he had to do as well. no, instead he blamed the hero commission. 

As LeMillion entered the UA campus he was asked to go to the staff room since All Might wanted to meet him. As LeMillion knocked on the door, he was called in and told to sit down. All Might looked at him and asked what he was feeling at the moment and LeMillion could only say rage and anger and All Might nodded his head in understanding since Sir Nighteye just did die to Overhaul earlier in the day. "Sir... what are we going to do about Verdant Emperor... at the rate he is going, he is going to win and overthrow Japan?" LeMillion asked because he was honestly clueless on what to do about the villain known as Izuku Midoriya. All Might was silent because he honestly didn't know. "I don't know... I don't know if I can honestly support our own government either with the things I've come to learn about our society. It might be time for a change to be honest." All Might stated and Mirio was shocked at what he was hearing. He looked up at the man before him, the former symbol of peace, and realized the man was not hiding his honest views and that was honestly disturbing that the symbol of peace had given up on the government itself. 

"It might be time for heroics to come to an end... we don't even have a clear grasp on how much fighting power he has but it's been clear that he can control prefectures and he's doing quite well at it as well. His organization has hidden quite well in the shadows and he is doing something All For One even failed at." All Might stated and Mirio wonders what he was talking about and asked the man. "Izuku Midoriya has captured the hearts of the people not through fear or threats but through simple acknowledgment and respect for him. Verdant Emperor is ruling through loyalty and kindness while our government or All For One wanted to rule via fear and intimidation." All Might said and Mirio couldn't help but agree but it didn't mean he liked it. He always dreamed of becoming a hero and saving people. What was he going to do when that was gone? What was he going to do when the country he knew was gone completely? 

"What about One For All's purpose of maintaining peace?" Mirio asked and All Might shook his head as he spoke, "One For All was meant to stop All For One. Becoming the symbol of peace and everything else was the individual user's personal goals. As such, One For All isn't meant to stop people like Verdant Emperor. The purpose of the quirk came to an end when Verdant Emperor defeated All For One instead of us." All Might said and LeMillion sat there in shock as he didn't know what to do now with everything. All Might told LeMillion to just rest and recover as more fights would be going on soon. LeMillion nodded his head and returned to his dorm but while that was going on, Izuku Midoriya was looking over the overall organizational outlook of his group.

Izuku was shocked when he returned to the base and received updates from his men. Due to the actions at the raid, there were a lot of organizations that decided to submit to the Verdant group in fear of being wiped out by the Verdant group. As such, they received notification of surrender from most of the villain organizations in Okayama and Tottori which now given them a foothold in the orange area of the map. 


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