Chapter 19: Saying Goodbye

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3rd Pov:

Saying goodbye... saying goodbye is never easy. Some goodbyes are not permanent though and you will meet the individual again but this was goodbye for good. This was waving at them and saying that you would never see them again even though you didn't know how to properly say it to them. That you didn't know how you were going to move forward without them, without the knowledge that they were safe and alive. Now you might be wondering what we were talking about... well, let's rewind a bit to the previous night. The previous night where Izuku declared the intentions of the Verdant group. Where the Verdant group had defeated the League of Villains. Where the Verdant group had taken out the number two hero. That was also the same night that the government and hero commission made their declaration within hours of Izuku's declaration of war. Their declaration was one that only showed their colors to the entire world as the government and commission had suspended due process rights for anyone associated and arrested with the Verdant group. This included Inko Midoriya who had zero connection to the actual group outside of being the mother of the leader. They had also declared that Inko Midoriya was to be executed if Izuku Midoriya aka Verdant Emperor didn't turn himself in within 48 hours.

Izuku did some hacking and discovered how the government came into the possession of his name so fast. It turned out one perverted midget from UA had leaked his name since Bakugo had a breakdown in the common room area when he saw Izuku's face. The fact that a hero student had gotten his mother arrested just because she was his mother pissed him off. The documents stated that Mineta claimed that Inko Midoriya knew what Izuku Midoriya was planning and Mineta was paid money for the 'information' at the tune of $100,000 USD. The government didn't even bother validating the information! They only cared that Inko was related to Izuku and that was good enough for them. If she was the mother then she must have known, right!? WRONG! Izuku had destroyed a room full of things that his men provided for him since they knew he was looking to destroy stuff. They were all pissed as well since his mother was going to be killed. After about an hour of just destroying things, he came out of the room. It was 10 hours in the 48 hour time limit they provided. Izuku summoned everyone to gather and the other bases to be watching. 

Izuku stood on the stage and spoke to everyone. "As I'm sure you are all aware of now. The government has captured my mother and will execute her if I don't turn myself in within 48 hours of the announcement. I have zero plans to turn myself in. Sadly... my mother knew this was a risk when I spoke to her one day before the battle yesterday. She knew that the would likely happen. However, that does not mean it doesn't hurt me. I'm saying this now, if they carry through with the execution of my mother then I will be easing some restrictions in our war. More places will be opened to being targeted and attacks will happen on a higher frequency than planned at the start. I have no intentions of there being peace if they execute her. The fact that the government suspended due process rights for any member or those arrested in connection to us has shown their colors. They plan to kill every single one of us since we are a threat to their authority. We can't give up now when we are making a change already as people have already taken to the streets are protesting the government. So far the protests have all been peaceful but they can stay like that. We will be the violent ones. WE WILL BE THE ONES TO STAIN OUR HANDS IN BLOOD! WE WILL BE THE ONES TO CHANGE THIS SOCIETY! GLORY TO THE VERDANT!" Izuku yelled out to his people and they all cheered the Verdant name. "THE MOMENT THEY MURDER MY MOTHER IN COLD BLOOD IS THE MOMENT WE SET THIS SOCIETY UP IN FLAME! PREPARE YOURSELVES AND LET US GET READY FOR WAR!" Izuku shouted as he retreated from the stage and went to the council meeting room to find the Verdant Guards and Liuetenanuts all there waiting for him. He waved them off from standing up to greet him. "Let's start this," Izuku stated and they began the meeting.

"We need to know... do we attempt to save your mother?" Asked Dabi. Izuku was silent as he put his head down on the table. They all just waited and respected his time to speak. Izuku then looked up and they could see tears going down his face. "No," Izuku said and they stayed silent to make sure he wasn't going to say anything more. "No. We won't be. My mother knew that this was a likely result when she chose to stay in Japan when I offered her a chance to escape. To be honest... I think she did it for a reason. My mother... to be honest, is my weak point. If someone brought her out in the middle of a battle I would hesitate and everything. Now... she's removing herself from the future and is removing the best place to hit me at. She knew... She knew that day when we went to my old home and I talked to her and asked her to leave. As such, I will respect this decision. We however will start our plans. The moment they kill her is the moment the gloves come off and no holding back happens. We will be staining our hands in the blood of many people." Izuku stated and they all nodded their heads. 

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