Chapter 33: Meeting Pt. 2

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3rd POV:

As UA's bus drove they came to an open road in more or less the middle of nowhere which confused them all since they all knew the road they were on led nowhere because they were at a complete dead end in the Aoi Ward of the Shizuoka Prefecture. Everyone was downright tense because they wondered if this was just a trap to get them out into a hidden area where the Verdant Emperor could wipe out the entire class and main teachers of UA but then suddenly an advanced team of Verdant members walked out of the forest with the  Verdant Guard Himiko Toga! Nezu stepped off the bus and told all of his staff and students to stay on in the event something went wrong. 

"Hello, Principal Nezu. I am glad you decided to make it and I see you have brought all of 1-A and 1-B as well." Toga said as he bowed her head slightly to Nezu who did the same. "Indeed, I was a bit surprised that our destination is a dead end. Are we going to need to walk to the meeting place?" Nezu asked as he wondered if they would have to get off the bus which was a bit concerning since they had two civilians which would complicate matters if it turned into a fight for some horrible reason but Toga shook her head. "No, please get back on the bus and follow us," Toga said as she and the advance unit moved in front of the bus. Nezu got back on the bus and told Aizawa to follow them which confused him since Toga and her team moved towards the dead end. As they drove forward a teleportation portal opened up which shocked them all which reminded Nezu of how Verdant Emperor and his men escaped from the Overhaul raid. 

"They only publicly showed this twice and it was how they escaped from the overhaul raid and made the appearance at the Diet which is still under their control... interesting," Nezu said as he remembered how everything went with that raid and the sudden appearance of the gate. Nezu was sure they could use it more freely but if that was the case then Nezu was confused on why the Verdant didn't use it to get around the military defense lines as they had also used boats to transport into Aichi which is a portion of how they found that base that led to the fall of the prefecture. 

The Verdant group could indeed use the gates more often but Izuku didn't want the government to know that as knowledge is power after all and if it seems like they had a limit then it made it easier for Izuku to plan surprises in the war. He also didn't want any other country to know that they had made teleportation gates yet since it would be their main transportation method to get to space in the future which is proving fruitful with the tests that had been going on in the R&D department since they needed to make sure a gate could even be opened in space since they had made it in mind of opening on earth. They have been having some trouble but were making good progress to include the ability to open a gate in outer space such as on the moon.

Outside of that topic, the UA bus passed through the gate and found themselves in what appeared to be a new location underground most likely. It was a large cement room with a door at the end as the only exit of the room but the room was also filled with Verdant Guards standing near the door and along the wall. Toga walked over to the door and knocked on it which Aizaw opened it up so Nezu could talk to Toga. "If you would all follow me into the meeting room. The Verdant Emperor will soon be arriving." Toga said and Nezu told everyone it was time to get off the bus which everyone was a bit nervous about but soon they all walked behind Toga and they soon arrived inside of a meeting hall.

" Toga said and Nezu told everyone it was time to get off the bus which everyone was a bit nervous about but soon they all walked behind Toga and they soon arrived inside of a meeting hall

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