Chapter 11: Hosu

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3rd POV:

The spy network had located Stain in Hosu. However, things were not going simply. Izuku learned that the League of Villains had made contact with Stain before they did which annoyed Izuku but he couldn't complain that much. They had that dam warp gate that could move around so easily and transport them. Though from what the bug user gathered was that the League had failed to recruit him by the attitude that Stain had when he left the portal and returned to Hosu. Stain seemed annoyed and more aggressive so Izuku believed he still had a chance. 'Shigaraiki likely put Stain off due to him only wanting destruction.' Izuku thought as he got up and took a teleportation gate to the base near Hosu. Izuku took Twice, Compress, and Dabi with him. They also took one of their advanced units with them as well since Izuku had a feeling something was going wrong. 

The advanced units all had a standard uniform just like the Verdant Guards did. Each unit had a different badge on their arms indicating which unit they belonged to. Otherwise, the uniforms all looked similar with customizations made to fit each individual's needs. All other members had some other uniforms as well but those weren't important at this time.

As Izuku had arrived in Hosu with his guards and the advanced unit, Izuku looked around and felt the tension in the air

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As Izuku had arrived in Hosu with his guards and the advanced unit, Izuku looked around and felt the tension in the air. "If the league attacks, intercept their plans and try to destroy them but don't get caught by heroes. They should focus more on the League than random people since they shouldn't connect any of you to the Verdant until it's too late." Izuku stated. They all nodded and soon they started traveling across the roofs looking for Stain since it should be around his time to attack a hero. He should end up attacking at least two more heroes in Hosu before he moves to another city. Izuku believed his chances of recruiting Stain was relevantly high. The problem was that Izuku would be limiting Stain attacks to only heroes he approves of because, to be honest, he didn't approve of the attack on Iida's brother since he was a very amazing hero. Still, he is a hero who would need to be dealt with in the future if he didn't get attacked by Stain but Izuku would have likely made a plan to remove him long enough that he could still live a normal life after the fall of the hero system.

As they were going Izuku heard an explosion and then they saw the Nomu's! "Twice, make clones of everyone and have them go support the heroes and save the citizens. I would like as many of those Nomu's for research as possible! Reminder for the clones, don't get caught. Destroy yourself if you are about to get caught since I don't want information leaks! The originals will all stay with me as we will still hunt down Stain and try to recruit him." Izuku stated as several groups of clones went off. As they were moving around, they heard a scream that sounded like a younger kid around Izuku age which diverted their path and Izuku was glad he did as they had found the one and only Iida Tenya on the ground under Stain. There was another hero called Native who Izuku didn't really like since he used the native American's theme from America as a way to gain fans. Izuku, who was wearing the following outfit with a mask, jumped down and forced Stain away from the student. (Remember, Izuku has everyone wearing masks at all times when they are out on operations.)

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