Chapter 6: UA Exam & All Might's Regrets

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3rd POV:

As Izuku and his now completed Verdant Guards were completed with its two new additions, it was now time for the Entrance Exam of UA. Izuku was truly interested in seeing who would pass into the hero course but he knew.... he knew people like Bakugo would make it into the course. Izuku though focused on other things as the exam was going on. He was currently working on Twice's mental issues and they were making progress on him making clones of himself but it would be some time before it happened. In other news, Izuku increased his funds by a large amount. He was able to take control of several of the gangs and had a nice cash flow coming in from them and their illegal activities. Izuku restricted the sale of drugs like Trigger since he hates that drug. Izuku also didn't allow things like the sale of humans either. Otherwise, most other crimes were free game. They just had to be mindful of not tipping heroes and police off.

As such, Izuku ordered them all into seclusion and to start training. Izuku created profiles for them all and gave them things to work on. Other gangs were confused when one of the main gangs in the area just went dark on them but they soon found out what happened as they themselves were approached with an offer to join the Verdant organization. Some thought it was a joke and declined the offer and told Izuku's representatives to shove it. While a few considered it and joined since one of the main gangs had joined it. They knew that an entire gang that had that much power wouldn't go dark so easily. Then they all saw the repercussions of defying the Emperor. Izuku sent his guards in and they laid waste to the gangs that insulted Izuku's offer. It was one thing to reject Izuku but to insult him in the rejection was going too far. As such, those that declined were spared but those that rejected and insulted were gone and removed from the earth. 

The ones that rejected beforehand attempted to change their decision but Izuku rejected them and countered their offer. They were to disband and join the organization as individuals instead of a large group. Joining as a large group gave the others a bit more responsibilities as they were in charge of different things and co-mingled with the other groups. Joining as an individual that had rejected at the first attempt resulted in them joining as lower-ranked individuals who had to work their way up into the different departments/groups that were set up. For example, one group was administrative duties, another was in charge of some of the criminal enterprises, another was in charge of recruitment, and so forth. As it stood, by the start of the UA entrance Exam, the Verdant Emperor had gained over 2,000 members due to all the local gangs that joined him. Izuku did have them keep up appearances on the outside but forbidden actual conflict. They were told to start petty arguments as they would have had before so the police and heroes didn't get clued in on all the groups joining forces since it would result in a task force going after them.

Now Izuku had a good amount of men, he was having them all train to the best of their abilities and finding any ways to improve their quirks. He also again gave them profiles of his suggestions and their weaknesses as well which only helped them grow in strength. While all of this was going on, Izuku was using the increased cash flow from the organization and expanding their wealth through short-selling in foreign markets but also investing in domestic businesses. There was one rule that Izuku had in regards to getting the money to grow. NEVER HAVE ONE SOURCE OF MONEY! Izuku knew he had all the dirty money from the businesses but he also wanted clean money that wasn't directly tied to their organization. He wanted the organization to be able to act in the open with some of its members so Izuku was investing in some business and slowly taking them over piece by piece. This way he could provide clean jobs to some of their non-criminal members that didn't have huge records. Things like simple crimes that police and heroes wouldn't look deeply into unlike if someone had a murder conviction or drug distribution charges on their name. 

This would allow the members in the public eye to provide the group information and to do jobs for them like acquiring normal resources and products for them which could be taken to drop-off locations. Now as Izuku and his generals were setting all of this up, there was the UA entrance exam going on. You could find a skinny All Might sitting in the control room watching the exam but his mind was somewhere else. It was on a green-haired boy that he failed so badly. The young boy was declared dead only a month after searching and that made All Might bristle since missing children's cases on average go from 6 months to a year before they are closed even if they had no leads. 'Did I really forget where I came from so badly.... If I had done even a bit to help the quirkless.... the person who I used to be then maybe his decision would have been a bit different from suicide... I'm so sorry Young Midoryia.' All Might thought. All Might had come to UA to find a successor but now it seemed so... so bland. He lost what could have been the best protege he could have asked for so he decided to give in and talk to the boy that Sir Nighteye suggested. The boy was a third-year here at UA and went by the hero name of LeMillon. In All Might's honest opinion when he met the boy he was... more of a knock-off of himself and that just made All Might feel disappointed. One For All isn't meant to be transferred to a replica of the past user but instead to someone that could have been better! However, All Might knew he was out of time so he ended up transferring the quirk to LeMillon a few days before the entrance exam.

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