Chapter 31: Prelude to Meeting

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3rd POV:

It had been about two weeks since the Verdant had the message and phone number passed along to UA and during this time Izuku had put a heavier focus on getting all other prefectures under his control. Dabi and the other Verdant Guards have been hard at work to complete Izuku's desire and finally, they had completed it on the second Friday since giving UA the number. Izuku was a bit surprised when UA decided to wait a bit before making the phone call since they didn't want to do it right away as they needed some time to plan things out on what would happen once they surrendered to be under Verdant control. Izuku was honestly interested in the conversations and had watched each meeting they had to learn everything live instead of watching replays later on since he wanted to be prepared in the event they ever called out of the blue.

Overall, Izuku's summary of UA's plan was that they wanted to negotiate for rights to be one of the premier police academies that would push out highly trained individuals for the police force. UA wanted the right to be able to maintain some autonomy when it comes to controlling the school but would follow regulations on what the students need to be trained in for the police department if the hero course was converted. They also wanted the heroes associated with the school to be able to gain licenses to act as police agents like other heroes have been once they came under Verdant control. As far as Izuku could see it was all things that he was willing to agree with as he did want to have an academy for the highly specialized police force agents that he needed. 

So far he was already converting other hero schools into police academies with high standards that were being implemented. This means converting UA would be easier since the framework was already there and UA seemed completely open to it as well. Now, Izuku wasn't converting every single hero school into a police academy since he didn't plan to overrun the field of specialized units from these schools like what happened with the hero field where people got into it for fame and money. Instead, he was picking the schools that had better track records of pushing out highly decent heroes in the past due to their standards which Izuku was looking for. So far of the hundreds of hero schools he took over only about 10 across all of the prefectures had been converted but they still weren't on the scale of UA in size. There was also the fact that the number of students in a class was being increased from the standard 20 for a hero class to more around 40 per class. This was because the police worked as large teams most of the time and even though the specialized unit type police will sometimes work solo they will still need a heavy focus on teamwork.

However, there was one major issue that was presented by converting the hero schools into police academies. It was the fact that most people that joined the police were typically out of high school already which meant that Izuku had planned to make the hero schools or some into universities instead of just high schools. So far the plan was working out since he had thought about it far in advance and the current hero schools that were converted were given an education plan that matched the current police academies. What Izuku was planning to do was to convert larger hero schools like UA from high schools to universities where they would have the actual highly specialized training at. This way the smaller police academies would feel their students into the universities to receive the specialized training and obtain higher-level education on the way. 

So if UA accepted to becoming a police academy then they would need to convert into a university and the teachers would need to prepare for that as they would be the ones teaching higher-level classes. The current students would be allowed to finish out their educations and then move into the higher-level education section of the school but once the current first-year students graduated out of high school then there would be no more high school students going to it. The first-year students would also undergo the normal police education at UA if they accepted it otherwise they would transfer to a different course while those in upper years would need to attend other police academies to receive the basic training before returning to the university. 

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