Chapter 36: UA's Surrender & Effects

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3rd POV:

A few days had passed and everyone that was a part of Verdant was watching the nearest TV as a press conference was being held at UA. This press conference was going to be UA's announcement in regards to their surrender to the Verdant Emperor which would be a large public blow for the government no matter what happens after. It was going to be the most-watched thing in Japan at the moment since everyone was wondering what UA would do since everyone could see that the Verdant troops stationed outside have not ever made an attempt to enter the school. The general public was currently believing that UA was still a part of the government side and the Verdant Emperor was only respecting the deal he had made with the Hero Schools on not attacking them. 

However, that was far from the truth since UA was now in the process of publicly surrendering when they had already done so in private. All of the news stations and even international ones were at the press conference as they waited for Principal Nezu and the staff to appear to deliver whatever statement they would be giving. After waiting another ten minutes, the main gate of UA opened, and out stepped Nezu, All Might, Eraserhead, Vlad King, and Recovery Girl all came out to meet the reporters for the press conference. Questions were being thrown around and everyone was getting a bit rowdy. Nezu raised his hand and everyone started to calm down a bit. After a few more seconds of waiting they all calmed down enough for Nezu to speak.

"As you are all aware of in regards to the war between the government of Japan and the Verdant Emperor, the Japanese government lost the previous defense line that stretched between Fukui, Gifu, Nagano, and Shizuoka as well as the defense forces defending the two of Japans three large Islands. This defeat has lead to UA falling into the land controlled by the Verdant Emperor. As such, we have received an official demand by the Verdant Emperor in regards to UA's official stance in this war.

At this time, UA Hero School will cease operations as a Japanese Heroics school as we announce our surrender to the Verdant Emperor. We also recognize the Verdant Emperor as an official governing individual that has gained control of over more than 50% of Japan as we can see they have established an operation government that has spread across all of the Prefectures under their control and continues to spread as they take more Prefectures. At this time, UA will be entering negotiations with Verdant Emperor in regards to converting into a new school format to help produce new special police agents that will serve the role of heroes but under police jurisdiction, as shown through the Verdant's actions in their territory. A part of these negotiations will be to negotiate the release of any of UA's captured students who had joined the war.

Outside of the announcement of our surrender, All Might will also like to issue a public statement in regards to the entire war. If you would please hold all questions until he is done." Nezu said and All Might walked up to the podium as he looked over the crowd. "When all of this started I thought that this would be a normal villain attack and battling but I was wrong because I didn't see it with the correct lens on my eyes. I was still viewing it as the number one Pro Hero who had been dedicated to maintaining the status quo or what I thought was a good period for Japan but I was wrong. I was wrong on so many things that the Verdant Emperor had opened my eyes upon. These things include the fact that this isn't a villain organization we are dealing with... no, this is an entire segment of our country that had been pushed to the breaking point and they finally had a person they rallied under. 

This was a war for equal rights, a war for better treatment for those oppressed by our current society. I had the ability to communicate with the Verdant Emperor for some moments recently and I had my eyes open to many things in regard to this man. The Verdant Emperor doesn't rule with fear or overwhelming power over his followers. No, I've seen many eyes of many organizations ruled by that type of person and his men didn't have that type of following in their eyes. Instead, it was the look of pure dedication to what they believed in and who they followed behind. I believe that Japan should give the Verdant Emperor the chance to lead us into a new future and I call upon the Japanese government to surrender to the Verdant Emperor. Continuing this war when it is clear that the Verdant Emperor forces have a far larger advantage in terms of this war and will continue to win will only lead to needless death due to the greed of the old government.

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