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I never given much thought of how I would die or why. I always try to love everyone equally. My funny/childish mother, my awkward, but loving father, my sporty step father and the sister who hates me. Bella is different from myself. She likes to be antisocial or play favorites.

"Cassie! It's time to go, honey."

"I'm coming, mom." She said as she looked at the picture of her and Bella.

Bella was always jealous of me. I didn't do anything to make her that way. Well that was till I met him...

Cassie walked out smiling. "Oh my baby." Renee said hugging her. "I know you're sure about going, but is your sister?"

Cassie looked at Bella than back to her mom and shrugged. "I'm going to put these in the car."

"Okay, sweetie."

Cassie walked over to put her bag in the car. She couldn't wait till she saw her father. As much as she loves her mom, she will always be the daddy's girl she always was. Bella walked over and looked at Cassie. "Ready?'

"Yeah." Cassie said.

At least she tries to be nice.
Cassie smiled once the plane landed. She was finally home. Getting up and grabbing her bags, Cassie was off the plane in no time looking for her father. "Let's hope Charlie didn't bring the cruiser." Bella said making Cassie sigh.

"Why do you call mom and dad by their first names?" She asked.

Bella shrugged making Cassie shake her head. The blonde stopped looking. She heard Bella sigh. "I found him."

Cassie turned as Bella walked over to their dad. She watched the awkward interaction for a bit. She wanted to surprise him. She noticed he was looking making her run to him. "Daddy!"

"There's my little Cassie."

"I'm not little." She tells him. "But I'm still your baby girl."

"That's right." He said. "Now let's go."

Cassie smiled as they walked out of the airport. She looked at Bella and knew she was not to pleased with the police cruiser being there. Cassie put her bags in the trunk before getting in.
I have never met someone so awkward as my sister. This car has nothing but tension. If she only...

"Cassie." She looked at her father. "Your hair never changed."

"Besides it staying blonde. Nope." She replies. "So what were you talking about."

"Zoned out."

"Just a little." She replies with a smile.

"Nothing much, sweetie."

Cassie nodded as she looked back out the window to see a short girl looking at her with a smile. Cassie smiled back before they pulled out. She looked back down in thought once again.

Thats how my life changed. Seeing the short girl with golden eyes.

"What's the plan Cassie?" Charlie asked his oldest.

"Go to school and hopefully they have some sort of sports." She said.

Charlie smiled as he knew Cassie was the superstar in the family. The blonde sighed as she couldn't wait till she got home. She had plans to look around town. Seeing her old home coming into view. She smiled.

"Alright girls, I had Sue Clearwater come over and redecorate your rooms." Charlie tells them. "I also cleaned a shelf off." He said as they walked in.

"Oh. One bathroom."

"There's nothing wrong with that, Bella, so stop complaining." She said. "Dad is trying."

Bella rolled her eyes as they went to their rooms. Cassie walked away to see what her room looks like. She opened the door to see her room in a beige color. "It's beautiful and comfortable."

"I was hoping you like yours." Charlie said. "Your sister didn't care much.."

"Dad, your doing wonderful."

Charlie kissed her head making her smile. "Come downstairs when your done. I have a surprise for you."

Cassie nodded wondering what the gift was. She started to unpack her belongs. First the books. She put each book the way she likes it. Romance with romance, mystery, etc,. Her mother always told her she had a library the way Cassie has her books sorted.

Next was the clothes.
Cassie smiled as she walked outside with a book in her hand to see two vehicles. "Dad?" She called out as he stepped outside with Bella. "Who..."

"Welcome home." He tells the two.

Cassie saw a car and smiled. Her best friend has finally arrived. "Jacob!" She said as she ran to him. "Hi uncle Billy."

"Welcome home." Jake said than he saw Bella.

Cassie shook her head as she watched Jacob walk over to Bella blushing. "Here you go." Charlie said as he handed her keys.


"The blue car is yours."

Cassie turned with wide eyes and hugged her dad. "Thank you, daddy!" She said as she ran over to it and opened the door. "I'm going into town to get things for dinner."

"Sure sweetie and you might need to get gas."

"Gotcha.' She said as she got in her car and drove off.

Billy smiled as he looked at Charlie. "I see she was more excited about the car."

"It's Cassie." Charlie says. "She loves anything I give her."

She was always the daddy's girl."

"Since birth." Charlie said as he remembered holding Cassie for the first time. Naming her Cassandra Hope Swan as Renee named Bella. It was the deal they made, but he still loved them both equally.
Sometime that night, Cassie sat in her hammock reading a book as she couldn't exactly sleep. Laying the book down, Cassie climbed out of her hammock and over to her window. Grabbing her camera, she took a perfect picture of the moon and smiled.

This is how it all begin...

This is how it all begin

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