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Baseball was always my favorite type of game. Edward knew that I was excited for this day, but it got ruined when a nosy sister had to appear. This is how it started.

"Dad, I'm gone to play ball with Edward and the Cullens!" Cassie tells him.


Cassie smiled as she walked outside and saw Edward. "Hi." She replied. "Are we ready?"


Cassie smiled as they walked t9 the Jeep. Edward grabbed her arm and kissed her making her smile. She couldn't wait to see why they play in the thunderstorm. Bella walked out to see them and decided to follow.

Unbeknownst to us, Bella followed. To her, she belongs with Edward. No matter how much Edward tries to deny her, Bella will keep going till she gets what she wants.
Edward opened Cassie's door just to hear another vehicle. Cassie looked and glared as she saw her sister. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I came to be with Edward."

Edward growled as he looked at Bella. "I told you before that it's Cassie."

"I'm not giving up."

Edward glared as he wrapped his arm around Cassie and walked away with a glaring Bella not far behind them. Cassie smiled as she gave him a kiss. "Have fun."

"I will." He tells her. "Hope you see why we like playing ball in storms."

Cassie smiled as she watched Edward walk over to Emmett. Bella noticed the looks on their faces. "You all know I'm Edward's actual mate."

"We know that's a lie." Rosalie said. "Edward already knows who it is and that's not you. Cassie is his bloodsinger and mate."

"I'm his true mate."

Edward appeared with a glare. "You are nothing to me, Isabella. Cassie is my mate and blood singer."

"Edward." Cassie said. "Ignore her and let's get this game going."

Edward walked over and kissed Cassie before walking away. The blonde Swan sighed as she was not going to have fun with her sister trying to get in everyone's way.

At the time, I didn't know why she was like this. I thought it was jealousy, but now, she wants something else and that's why she won't leave us alone.
As the game went, Cassie smiled as she watched the game. Seeing Edward be more free and bonding with his family was something that Cassie loved seeing. Edward being happy.

This was one of my favorite moments. Seeing Edward be more himself around his family instead of around me. This is the side of Edward I love seeing. Either way he acts, I will always love him.


This was not what I was expecting to happen.

Edward got to Cassie's side making Bella glare as she watched him fuss over her sister. "What about me?"

Edward looked with a glare as Cassie looked at her. "You chose to follow us." Edward tells her. "After I have told you so many times that you mean nothing to me."


"Bella, stay away from my family, myself, and my mate." He tells Bella. "You will never be anything to me."

Cassie didn't say a word as she watched Edward glare at Bella. She could tell he wanted to kill Bella. "Edward." He looked at Cassie. "Ignore her and look." She said.

There they were. Three people with red eyes. Human drinkers. Am I scared? A little as they drink human blood. Should I be terrified? I should, but I'm not. Whatever happens in this moment, I have Edward to keep me safe.

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