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Something was telling me that Bella was going to continue to act out towards me. I don't know what was making her like this, but I hope she knows that I still love her. She is after all my flesh and blood. My other half.

"Cassandra Swan." She heard and looked at the blonde doctor.

"It's Cassie, sir."

Charlie smiled at his daughter and kissed her head. "You have a broke wrist and leg." He said. "I suggest you take it easy these next couple of weeks."

Cassie sighed as she laid back against her pillow. "Cassie, the whole school is out in the hall waiting to see you."

The blonde groaned making Charlie chuckled. She saw the crutches, but knowing hospitals, she has to leave in a wheelchair. "This is stupid."


"I know." She replies as she saw everyone. "I'm fine. I'm alive. Now please go home cause that is my main focus right now and I would like to be in a comfortable bed."

They all one by one hug Cassie. She saw Edward and grabbed the crutches and went over to him. "I don't know how you got to me that fast, but I wanted to say thank you." She tells him. 

"I'm glad your okay." He replies,

Cassie smiled as she kissed his cold cheek before leaving. Edward stood there till he heard Bella's mind. "I may not be able to read Cassie's mind, but I do know her sister is curious."

"So is Cassie." Rosalie said making Edward glare.

"If I ever hear one more word about her from you it won't end well." Edward said as he left.

This is where things became tensed with Bella.
Cassie stood by her locker as she thought about yesterday. Sighing, the blonde went to shut her locker when a voice stopped her. "Cassie, can I ask you something?" Bella asked.


"How did Edward get to you so fast?"

"Bella, I don't know and to be honest, I don't care." Cassie slammed her locker shut as she walked away. She stopped when she saw a Angela. "Angela, I'm going to sit by myself today. Bella is starting to get on my nerves."


Edward watched her limp away and looked at Bella with a glare. She will not get answers from my mate. He thought as he walked off to class.

Bella was just being Bella. When she gets curious, she comes to me. Now that she has witnessed his speed, she won't stop till she gets her answers. As for me, I'll wait till he tells me since I know he's not exactly human. I just hope he doesn't punish himself for what he did. Edward Cullen saved my life and I was slowly falling for him.
Lunch came and Cassie was sitting by herself like promise. She wasn't going to deal with Bella's questions. Edward walked over to her table and sat down causing Cassie to look up. "Edward, I hope you know she's curious." She tells him. "I know your speed was inhumanly, but I don't care about that."

"It's not safe for you to know."

"Edward, stop putting this wall up for yourself." She said.

"I'm just doing it to keep you safe."

Cassie nodded and looked at him. "Just be careful next time you decide to save me again." She said. "I don't want a curious sister ruining whatever is going on between us."

"She won't." Edward tells her. "I promise."

That was a promise that he tended to keep.
Later that day, Cassie managed to make it to biology. Bella watched her sister sit beside Edward and watched him careful. Cassie smiled as her and Edward worked together. Edward kept hearing Bella and sighed. "Edward?"

"It's nothing."

The blonde looked back and saw Bella staring at them. Cassie turned and grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Don't worry about her." She said. "Bella was always jealous of me."


"According to her. I'm always the one who gets attention and I didn't do anything to do so. I just act like myself is all." Cassie replies.

Edward nodded as they went back to work.

At the time, he's cold hand never bothered me or it could be the fact that I didn't give it much attention.

Hearing the bell rang, Edward grabbed Cassie's belongs. "You didn't..."

"I did it to help you." He said. "I'll help you to your sister's truck."

Cassie nodded as they walked out of class and straight to the lockers. Cassie shut her locker. "Ready?" She asked him.

"Of course."

Cassie smiled as they walked out of the school. Seeing Bella wasn't near the truck made Cassie sigh. "I'll see you later." She tells him.

Edward stood near his car watching his mate. When Bella walked out she looked directly at Edward. I know Cassie knows. Edward got in his car and drove off.

At the time, she actually thought I knew, but I didn't. She doesn't know I will learn the truth later.

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