Twenty one

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Edward was doing everything and I mean everything to keep calm. Bella hated that Edward and I got a sit together and she wasn't too happy that Edward still told her that he hates her.

"Edward, ignore her." She said as she had him look at her. "I am."

"Her mind..."

Cassie cut him off with a kiss. Bella glared as she saw Cassie and Edward kissing. Edward pulled back as his eyes were black and it wasn't from thirst. "Your eyes..."

"I'm not hungry." He tells her making Cassie's eyes widened.

"Are you..."

"Yes and only you can do that to me."

Cassie bit her lip as she leaned back in and kissed him. They weren't ready, but Cassie was trying to think of ways to help her boyfriend. Edward kissed her back as he wished he could read her mind. The plane was about to take off and making them buckle up. Cassie rested her head on his shoulder as they prepared to land.
I watched Cassie run to her mom and hug her. Seeing Cassie smiling as she gets to see her mom and then there was Bella. She walked over to them with a glare causing Cassie to walk back to me.

"Mom, this is my boyfriend, Edward." Cassie said as she felt him wrap his arm around her waist. "Edward, this is my mother, Renee."

"Cassie, I thought he finally came to conclusion that its me he wants and not you."

Edward glared with disgust as Cassie looked at him. Renee looked at Bella. "Can't you for once let your sister be happy." She said. "Cassie hasn't done a thing to you. Just let her be happy."

They looked back to see Edward was calm as he held Cassie. Seeing the look of love that the two held for one another had Renee and Phil smiling. Bella glared as she thought her mom would be on her side, but she wasn't.

Edward kept his arms around me as we went to the car. Since we were here for the weekend and its dark, I had a plan to keep Edward more calm and away from Bella. Mom saw the look on my face and smiled as she knew that I wasn't going to be in my room. I was going for a walk with Edward along the beach side.
"Cassie, what are we doing?" He asked her as she dragged him out of the house.

"I am getting you away from Bella." She said. "Plus you promised me that we could go for a walk along the beach."

Edward nodded as he grabbed Cassie's hand. She smiled as they started walking. The night air was a bit chilly because of the water, but she didn't mind it. Edward smiled as he stopped them making her look at her. "Is being here making you change your mind about being with me."

"No." She tells him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you, Edward and being here with mom doesn't change my mind. I still want to be with you and to be turned whenever that day comes."

Edward smiled as he leaned in and kissed her. Cassie smiled as she grabbed his hand and dragged him back to their room. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." She said as she walked into the house and straight to their room.

Edward was confused as to what she was doing. She locked her door and looked at him. "Edward, I can tell you want to go farther, but you are respecting the till marriage thing." She tells him. "But there are other things we can do besides sex."

Edward's eyes were black as he knew what she meant. "Are you sure?"

"To be honest, I never done anything like this, but for you, I will."

Edward felt Cassie unbutton his pants. He closed his eyes as he felt her moving. he knew when she was done, he would have to repay her. Cassie looked up and blushed as he looked to be enjoying himself. She couldn't believe what she was doing, but she was glad to help him.

Outside of her room, Bella was walking to her room when she heard moaning. She tried to opened the door, but it was locked. She glared as she walked away pissed that Edward and Cassie was doing something that she thought would be her if Edward would finally see her the way he supposedly sees Cassie.

Back inside, Edward pulled Cassie away and kissed her. Cassie smiled as she made Edward feel better. "My turn."

Cassie squealed out as she knew what he was going to do. She bit her lip once again as Edward kept his word. It was his turn.

Who would have thought that we would be having oral sex, but it helped Edward control his urges a bit better. Now what's next.

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