Thirty two

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I need to eat. Everything I eat or drink comes back up and Edward is becoming more worried about that too.

"We need to find a way to keep food in her body." Esme said as Cassie shifted a bit to get comfortable.

Edward looked at his wife till he heard Jacob. "That might work." He said.


"I thought that maybe the baby is looking for something to bite into."

"The baby's thirsty." Cassie said causing Carlisle to get blood.

"I know the feeling." Emmett says making Cassie roll her eyes.

Jasper left as the blood was brought into the room. Edward stood by Cassie's side as she was took the cup. Lookin at Edward, he nodded for her to drink. Swallowing hard, Cassie took a drink and smiled. "Cassie?"

"I think I'm going to be fine." She tells him as she started drinking the blood making Edward kiss her head as she drank the blood. Jacob held a disgusting look as Jane shook her head at him and walked over to her.

"Are you going to be okay, Cassie?"

"Yeah." She said smiling as she looked at Edward. "Everything is going to be okay."
Looking at the list of names, Cassie didn't know which one she liked the most. She doesn't even know what she is having either. She looked out the window and smiled as she couldn't wait to have this baby and finally go see her dad. Grabbing the phone, Cassie dialed Charlie's number. "Hi daddy."

Edward leaned against the wall listening. "Edward." He looked at Esme. "I'm glad that you are sticking to Cassie's side, but we need to go feed." She tells him. "Carlisle doesn't want to leave her in case it's time for the baby, but we have to have our minds focused..."

"Go." He said. "You guys should be back if Jacob helps you."

Esme smiled and walked into the room as Jacob watched Jane ran to her step sister. "Edward, go feed." She tells him. "I know you will be back and Rosalie has left to feed not too along with Jasper and Alice. Go. I'll be fine. Jacob will find you if something happens. Right, Jacob?"


With that Edward left leaving me with my stepsister and best friend. The one thing on my mind now is delivering this baby. Hopefully Edward comes back.
When Edward, Rosalie, Jasper, and Alice arrived back. Cassie was sound asleep. "She's okay." Jacob said. "She fell asleep, but I think she needs more blood."

Edward nodded as he went to get more blood for Cassie. He looked out the window and smiled as he couldn't wait to meet his child. "Edward?" He heard Cassie and walked to her.

Cassie smiled as he placed the cup down. "Need anything else."

"A blanket and pillow." She said as she stood up. "I need to move around, but first."

Everything froze with in that moment, Cassie's water broke and so did her back. Edward caught her as this was not what he was prepared for. "I got you, baby."
Jane sat out in the living room hearing Cassie screamed she looked at Jacob and knew. "Don't kill that baby." She tells him. "You do, then you will never be my friend."

Jacob didn't like that sound and sighed. He can't kill that baby and neither will Seth and Leah. Bella arrived to hear screaming. "What's going on?"

"Edward and Cassie are having their baby."

Bella glared as they heard nothing, but silence. She smirked, but it fell as Leah gave her a look. "Edward is turning her." She tells her. "You promised me that you wouldn't be jealous of your sister if you came here. I think you need to go home."


"I'll be home soon."

Bella rolled her eyes and left.
Edward looked at his daughter smiling. "She's perfect." He tells her, but noticed her fading.

"I got her." Rosalie said causing Edward to hand his daughter over and start biting Cassie's body.

He finished biting her. Kissing her head, Edward had to wait for three days. "I love you, Cassie. I'll see you when you wake up."

"Edward." He heard Alice and ran to protect his daughter.
Outside, Jane looked at Jacob. "Stop. I'm not letting my imprint lose her niece. Her sister is in transition and I'll be damned to let anything happen to my best friend and her family." He said. "Sam, I know the rules and so does she, but Cassie made sure that her promise was kept and one of them I made to myself a few minutes ago was to keep her daughter safe."

Edward watched as Sam and the pack back off. He looked at Jacob and sighed. "Thank you."

"I did it for Cassie and Jane."

Edward nodded as he walked in to hold his daughter. "Does she have a name?" He heard Jane ask.

"Not yet, but we will name her when Cassie wakes up."
For three days, Edward watched his family clean and change Cassie's clothes. He walked in as it was almost time. He listened to her heart till it finally stopped. Standing in front of the window, Edward waited.

Cassie opened her eyes causing Edward to smile. "Cassie?"

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