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I didn't like what Rosalie just told me. I wanted to go rip Bella's head off. She killed my Cassie. The love of my life was gone and I couldn't live on without her, but I had to know for sure if she was actually gone...

"Bella, are you sure that I should be up here?" Cassie asked. "It's a little high up and I'm a little unsure."

"You should have never came here." Bella tells her. "Edward should've been mine, but instead he goes to you. It was always you. You had the beauty, the kindness, and you even a mate as I am NOTHING. All I ever wanted was to be young forever and for Edward to love me."

"Bella, Edward told you..."

"I know." She said. "But I bet they didn't see this coming."

Cassie started fighting her sister before she fell off the cliff. She landed in the water as Bella walked away with a smirk.
"Come on, Cass. You can't leave us."

Cassie started coughing as she saw Jane and Jacob. "Hey."

"We need to get you home." Jane tells her.

After Rosalie confirmed that Alice left to see if her vision happened. When I called, Bella told me she was dead and that I should come home and be with her. I had a better way to be with Cassie.
Cassie ran inside the home to see Alice. "You're here?" She said as she started crying.

"Are you okay?" Alice asked.


"NO!" Bella screamed as she walked out to the kitchen to see Cassie. "You were supposed to be dead."

Cassie walked over to Bella and pushed her against the wall placing her hand around her throat. "You should have made sure I was dead, bitch." She said as she slammed Bella's head against the wall knocking her out and looked at Alice. "Now, where is he?"

"He's going to the Volturi because Bella told him that you died." Alice said.

Cassie looked back at Bella as Jacob grabbed her shoulder. "I'll tell Charlie what happened. Go save your bloodsucker."

Cassie smiled as she ran off with Alice. She started thinking about how all this started. Cassie would never change a thing. She loved Edward and her life was all for him. Alice grabbed her best friend's hand making her smile.

I'm coming Edward.
"Alice, please tell me we will make it in time?" Cassie asked panicking.

"No." Alice said as she was seeing what was happening. "They turned him away."

"What do we do?" She asked as the car came to a stop.

"Cassie, I need you to go to the Volturi. Follow the red robes and look for the fountain.

Cassie got out of the car and ran off. She ran through the crowds of people in red. She found the fountain and looked ahead to see Edward with his shirt unbuttoned. "No." She said as she jumped in the fountain and ran towards him. Once she got out of the fountain, she ran up the steps and ran into him. "Edward, baby, open your eyes." She tells him.


"No." She tells him as he opened his eyes. "I'm here. Alive and well."

Edward pulled her back as he went into the building behind him. He kissed her without a second thought. Cassie had a tear fall as she was back in his arms. "I love you, Cassandra Hope Swan."

"I love you too, ass." She said. "You had to say my full name."

In this moment, I knew when I saw Jane that Aro is wanting to meet my mate.
Cassie was scared one minute as Aro walked over to her. "Young Cassie is alive." He said. "May I?'

"If Edward can't read my mind, than what makes you think you can?"

"Feisty." He said as he grabbed her hand. "Nothing." Aro looked at him. "She's your mate and her blood appeals to you."

Cassie moved away from Aro and into Edward's arm. She watched Jane look at her. "Pain."

Edward got in front of Cassie and fell from the pain. "Jane." Aro said. "The girl."

Cassie stood there waiting for the pain and when nothing happened, she surprised everyone as she just looked at them. "What?"


Cassie rolled her eyes as she just wanted to go home.
"I hate to do this as I don't want to pressure you all, but Aro wants me to turn." She said. "I want to be turned, but not right now. So I was hoping to hear what you all have to say."

Alice walked over and hugged her. "I always saw you as my sister. So, yes."

"Yes." Esme said.

Jasper walked over to Cassie and for the first time hugged the blonde Swan. "You are the strongest human I have ever met." He tells her. "You fought for your life and knocked your sister out...."

"Alice, we are going to talk about keeping secrets." Cassie said.

"My vote it yes." He said. "Plus it would be nice not thinking about killing you."

"Nice joke." Cassie said. "You won't hurt me, Jasper." She hugged him.

Next was Emmett, who picked her up as she screamed out. "My vote is yes. I have challenge." He said. "And we can take on the Volturi."

"Put me down." She tells him.

Rosalie walked over and sighed. "I have my reasons for you to stay human. My answer will always be no, but when the time comes, Cassie. I will tell you why. I'm just giving you more time to make sure if this is the life you want."

Cassie nodded as she looked at Edward. "I want your vote." She tells him. "Please and no lying."

"Cassie, three days ago I thought I lost you." He tells her. "You risked your life to come and save me. You smarted off to Aro, which no one will do, you even fought your sister before coming to save me." Edward stood in front of Cassie and moved her hair out of her face. "I don't want this life for you, but I can't live without you either. So I have no choice to say yes."

Cassie smiled as she hugged him. "Cassie, we want you to think good and hard about this."

"I will." Cassie tells Carlisle.
Jane ran and hugged Cassie as Karina and Charlie walked over to her. "I'm in trouble. Aren't I?" She asked.

"No." Charlie said. "Jacob said that you went to help the Cullens move back in."

Cassie looked at Jane who smiled. Jane pointed making Cassie see Karina and Charlie holding hands making her smile. The two girls saw Edward and smiled.

Being back was peaceful. I had my mate and she gained a little sister. The only thing we have to deal with is Bella Swan.
Bella walked through the woods pissed of till she saw a shifter, but knew this wasn't Jacob. Who ever it was had her attention making her want to know more. Jacob heard through the link that Bella Swan is Leah's imprint.

She'll keep Bella away from Cassie and my imprint, Jane.

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