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Cassie smiled as she arrived at the meeting spot. She parked her car as Jessica and Angela hugged her. "Mike asked me to prom." Jessica said.

"I know." Cassie said. "Your welcome."

She got in the van and started thinking about Edward. He hasn't left my mind since day one. He saved me from being killed, comforted me when my sister wished I was dead, he even showed compassion. I just didn't know I would be close to learn something I never once asked about.

"Where's Edward?" Angela asked.

"He had other things to do, but we are hanging out on the day of prom." Cassie said.

"Really?" Jessica asked. "You should go.."

"I don't know how my leg will be till then." Cassie said looking down at it.

I guess I'm falling for Edward Cullen.
Cassie was sitting with a blanket wrapped around her listening to her friends till she saw a familiar face. "Jacob." She said as she limp over to him. "I forgot you lived here. Where's uncle Billy?"

"Planning a game day with your dad."

Cassie rolled her eyes. "You might want to keep her company. She asked Edward Cullen."

"There's nothing wrong with that." Cassie said.

"The Cullens don't come here." One said.

"The Cullens are freaks." Another said making Cassie glare.

"So are you since you want to be an ass and same goes for Mike." Cassie said.

Everyone was quiet. Jacob looked at Cassie making her walk away with him. What I was about to know was a legend that is connected to Edward.
Knowing Cassie was on the Rez was driving me crazy. I don't trust Bella around her. Hearing what she has planned was what made me worry about that trip. I can't have nothing happen to Cassie. She's my world now.

Edward leaned against the balcony thinking about Cassie. "She's fine, Edward." Jasper said. "She's protected."

"I know, but I can't trust that sister of hers."

"We know."
"So your telling me that the legend is about wolves, who are your ancestors, protected these lands from vampire, that you refer to the Cullens." Cassie said.

"Kind of crazy if you think about it." Jacob said.

We didn't know that Bella had followed us to get answers. Answers that will make her hate me more.
Cassie smiled as she was enjoy the sunshine for once. She didn't know Bella was staring at the spot the Cullens parked at till she heard. "They're not here."

"What? They just skip?" Bella asked.

I didn't know why she was looking for them, but something tells me that Edward is going to hate Bella more than I thought.

"No. Mr. and Mrs. Cullen takes them camping when it's sunny."

"Sounds wonderful." Cassie replies.

"Cassie, are you up for shopping."

Cassie shrugged as Bella asked to come. "Bella, can I speak to you. Alone." Bella followed her sister towards their cars. "What the hell is with all these questions about the Cullens?"

"I know their not human and Edward belongs to me."

"Bella, he is not a property or a trophy. He is a damn human." Cassie said. "I have tried to be nice and caring to you, but you changed and you need some serious help."

I have never been mad before at someone in my family, but Bella's allegations, I couldn't deal with it no more.
Looking around at the dresses, Cassie wondered if she should ask Edward. She found a beautiful white dress when she heard Bella. "Cassie, can you come with me."


I have no idea why I agreed to go, but I knew I wanted to see what Bella believes the Cullens are. Whatever they are, I know Edward is not a monster. I had a very bad feeling that something was about to happen, but at the same time, Bella has something planned.

Cassie saw where they went and glared. "You have got to be kidding." She said. "You eavesdropped on mine and Jacob's conversation."

"I had to know." Bella said. "Edward won't look at me or talk to me because of you."

"That's not my fault."

Bella didn't say a word as she walked in. Cassie sighed as she walked in and started looking for a book.

I had a feeling that if we were somewhere else, she would probably kill me. I didn't know what she thought the Cullens were, but I was going to find out on my own.

"Jessica, please answer your phone." She said till she lost service. "Shit." Seeing a stair way, Cassie walked up the alley way just to see figures. "Why today of all days?" She mumbled as she turned to see two more figures making her take the staircase.

By the time I reached the top, I was surrounded by the frat boys from earlier. One by one, they tried to touch me, but I wouldn't let them. That was till headlights blinded them.

"Get in." Edward said as he got out.

Cassie smiled in relief and ran to his car. She watched as they backed away in fear and wondered what he had done.
Nothing was said between them. Cassie looked at Edward and sighed. "Thank you." She said. "I shouldn't have followed my sister."

"No you shouldn't have." Edward replies. "You could have gotten hurt or worse."

"I'm sorry, it's just I'm a little curious about you." She said. "Your this mystery guy that makes me smile, who saved me, and someone that I can talk to that's not my father or friends."

Edward sighed as they pulled up to the restaurant. Cassie didn't say a word as she saw her friends and sister. She got out and saw Bella glaring at her. Edward glared back not liking the glare.

Her mind made me sick. I wanted to kill her so badly for how she spoke about Cassie. Watching her friends tell her it was time to go, but I had to talk to her more.

"Actually I was hoping to take Cassie to dinner since she hasn't ate."

Cassie smiled at him as Bella stared in disbelief at him. "I would like that."

"Than I'll stay." Bella said making Edward glare.

"This is a date between me and Cassie. Not you and never will be you." Edward replies as he walked in with Cassie.

"I can't believe you said that."

"She thinks she owns me. She doesn't."

Cassie looked at him as they walked to a table.

I have never seen a guy ignore a pretty girl before, but Edward proved to ignore them. Watching her walk away in anger had me smiling.

"You read minds,' she said. "You knew what Bella thought."

"Yeah. It's a gift." He said as he started reading some of the customers. "Yours. Nothing."

"Why is that?" She asked.

"I don't know."

Cassie smiled as she grabbed his hand. "Can you tell me or do I have to read that book?"

"I think you know." He said. "Your friend in La Push made sure of that."

He may have not told me, but I knew. Edward Cullen is a vampire. I, Cassandra Hope Swan, is in love with a vampire. Crazy. I know, but who can blame me.

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