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Three months went by since I left. I call Cassie everyday and I can tell that our love for one another is stronger than ever. I didn't like the fact she was hanging out with Jacob, but she said their friends, it's Bella that has feelings for him.

"I'm worried." She tells him on the phone. "We both know how Bella is and knowing that she has feelings for Jacob may take his chances of being with someone better."

"Have you talked to the m..."


"Sorry." He said. "Have you told him?"

"No, but I am going for a walk to use my new camera and take Jane with me." Cassie tells him.

"Be careful." '

"I will."
Cassie smiled as she walked with Jane in her stroller. It was already dark and she was trying to get back to the house when she saw Jacob holding his stomach. "Jake?'

"Cassie, you need to leave."

"I'll call Billy to have someone come and get you." She tells him as she dialed Billy's number. "Billy." She said once he picked up. "Somethings wrong with Jacob. He's holding his stomach in pain and is shaking violently."

"Cassie, you need to get home now."

Cassie hung up and looked at her best friend. She couldn't just leave him, but hearing him growl made her leave and dial Edward's number. "Edward, is there something I should know about Jacob Black."

"I think that Billy should explain it to you. Just get Jane home and you stay there till you know its safe."
A couple days went by and Cassie has told me that Bella went back to being depressed, but this time, it was over Jacob. Which shocked us, but Cassie wasn't going to let that bother her as she had school work to focus on. That's how she learnt about the shifters.

Jane held Cassie's hand as they went to a spot she heard stories about. "Are you sure this is the place?" Jane asked.

"I'm sure." Cassie said as she noticed everything dead. "When the weather changes some plants tend to die."

"Do you miss Edward?"

"Everyday." She says as she stopped when she saw Laurent. "Jane, get behind me."

Jane hid behind her as she watched. "Cassie, I went to the Cullens, but they must not be home."

"They moved because of my sister, but the actual question is, why are you here?"

"Victoria sent me."

Jane watched confused as she doesn't know what is going on. She saw Laurent get closer just for a rustic wolf jump out of nowhere. Cassie was shocked by how tall the wolf was and saw him look at her and directly to Jane. She noticed how he froze seeing Jane before he ran off after Laurent.

"What was that?"

"I don't know."

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