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Edward's been gone for a day and I feel empty. I know we are doing this long distance, but its not the same. So to keep my mind off of the distance and Bella's 'zombie mode.' Yeah, let me explain that first. After I was found by Sam Uley since I had went the wrong way and hit my head, the news of Edward and the others leaving. She tried to blame me, but... I think this is a better way to explain it.

Cassie sat on her bed texting Edward when Bella walked in. "You just had to make them leave."

"I didn't make them leave." Cassie said calmly. "You were the cause because you are so obsessed with being one of them that they had to leave to get away from you."

"How the hell is it my fault?"

"I just told you!" Cassie said looking at her. "You wouldn't leave Edward alone. Everywhere we went, you would follow asking to be turned every chance you could get. I mean fuck, I had came so close to hitting you, but I kept my calm." Cassie sighed with tears in her eyes. "They wouldn't have left if you weren't so obsessed with being turned."

Bella stared in shock by what her sister said. "Now get out of my room and stay the fuck away from me." Cassie said.

That was when Bella went into 'zombie mode.' Dad thinks she's doing this for attention. So to stay away, I'm going to find a job.
The next day, Cassie woke up to her phone ringing. "Hello?' She replied tiredly. "Hey, Edward. Yeah, I am going to search..."

"Cassie, Alice said there is a babysitting job. She saw you doing this job." Edward said.

"Okay, I'll check it out." She says. "I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"Bella came into my room last night and let me tell you, it was not a pleasant conversation. I ended up telling her off." Cassie said. "I wish you could come back."

"Soon. I'll be back for you soon. I love you, Cassie."

"I love you, Edward."

Once I got off the phone, I couldn't help, but cry. Its been hard and its only two days, but I can do this. I just hope I make it out alive.
On the third day since Edward left, Cassie followed through with her plans. To get a job. A woman opened the door and smiled. "You must be Cassie."


"Your boyfriend, Edward, called me personally and told me that you was looking for a job." She said. "Are you any good with children?"

"I love children." Cassie said.

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Karina."

"As you know Cassie."

"Come in."

Cassie followed Karina in and saw a three year old with beautiful blue eyes like her's. Cassie smiled as she walked over to her. "Hi, princess."

"Hi." She said quietly.

"This is my daughter, Jane."

"Aren't you beautiful, Jane." Cassie said. "Karina, where do you work?"

"Oh. I start at the station tomorrow."

Cassie looked at Jane and sat down. Karina watched and knew she found her babysitter. Cassie Swan is perfect for the job.
"I got the job." Cassie said smiling.

"Congrats, baby."

"I have you to thanks." Cassie said. "I'm so glad you told her about me."

"Anything for you."

As we talked, I realized that even though he is gone, Edward would always be there some how and that when it comes for him to come back, our time apart will be spent making up for what we have missed. Right now, I have to work and focus on school. Just the way we planned it to be.

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