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Everything was perfect for us till we heard that Bella was staying.

Cassie was upset that Bella decided to stay. Her and Edward had a peaceful time together and now Bella decided to stay after the two hoped she would leave. Cassie looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She was ready for prom. The night of her life.

Bella was upset that Edward wouldn't look at her when she walked downstairs, but he was in shock when Cassie walked downstairs. "Wow." He says as he looked at her. "You look...beautiful."

"Thank you." She says as she stood in front of him. "You look dashing."


"Of course."
I saw Jacob talking to Bella, but I never understood what it was about. My focus was on Edward. I did have a question to ask him.

Edward lead her outside to dance. "Edward?"

"Hmm." He replies as they danced.

"Would you ever turn me?" She asked.

Edward dipped her as he kissed her neck making her close her eyes. "Not now, but I will keep that in mind." He says. "I love you, Cassie."

"I love you, Edward." She tells him.

I really do love him. We have all the time in the world to discuss when he will turn me. Right now, it was us and this dance.

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