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One holiday, well it's not a holiday, but it's the day I was born. This was the day my dad gave me my name. This day is more special though. I'm celebrating with the love of my life.

Cassie walked downstairs and kissed her dad's cheek. "Good morning." She said.

"Happy birthday, Cassie."

Cassie smiled as she saw her gifts and started opening them. She heard Bella and rolled her eyes.

Ever since James bit her, she has been dying to be one. She even started aggravating Edward. I lost count of how many times she interrupted us while we were on dates. Lets say Edward hates my sister more then anyone.

"Dad, I'm going to get to school."

"Sure, sweetie."
"There's my birthday girl." Edward said as Cassie walked over to him. "Happy birthday, baby."

"Thank you." She said kissing him. "Someone's not happy about today."

"She will have to get over it." Edward said as they walked into school. "Liked the gifts your parents got you."

"I loved them." She said. "Especially this."

Edward smiled at the camera she held. "Your going to take pictures of everyone, are you?"

"Starting with you." She said taking a quick shot. Edward looked at her and took the camera from her.

Cassie saw a flash and looked at him. "Perfect." He said. "I want that photo."

Cassie smiled as she wrapped her arms around him. Alice skipped over to her with a bag making Cassie look at her. "Here you go." She said as Jasper walked over.

"Happy birthday, Cassie."

"Thank you, Jasper."

Bella watched them. She over heard Alice telling Cassie about a party at there's, but one small problem. It was for Cassie and Cassie only. Their going to have an uninvited guess.
I loved how my day went. Edward seemed to be relaxed as myself, well something has been bugging me.

"Cassie, stop worrying." Alice said as she fixed Cassie's hair. "Bella won't ruin this day for you. I promise."

Edward leaned against the door and saw his mate looking at the picture of Carlisle in the Volturi, but she seemed to not care. "Your not asking about that picture."

"Not really as Carlisle was probably trying to find a better way to feed at the time. He probably met them before meeting you." She said as Alice left once she was done. Cassie stood in front of him with a smile. "I won't ask them for their stories unless they have something to say."

Edward smiled as Cassie was perfect. Everything about her was...perfect. He kissed her as Alice walked in. "Let's go."

Bella walked in just as Cassie made her appearance in the room. "What are you doing here?" Cassie asked causing them to look.

Edward growled as he held Cassie near him. "It also my birthday too." She said. "If they throw you this party then it should be mine to."

Cassie rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry, Bella, but this party was only for Cassie." Alice tells her.

Bella rolled her eyes. It's always Cassie this and Cassie that. The bitch should be dead.

"Say that again and I will kill you before you ever lay a hand on her."

Bella scoffed as Edward sat Cassie down to open her gifts. Edward had one gift to give Cassie. "Edward..."

"I wanted to." He said making her smile. "It's something that will let you know that you will forever be in my heart and always on my mind."

Cassie opened it and smiled at the necklace. "Thank you." She said hugging him.

"This is a gift from us." Esme said. "It's tickets for you and Edward to visit your mother."

"Thank you." Cassie said.

Before she could open the envelope, Bella snatched it out. "This should be mine and Edward's tickets since I didn't get a gift."

Edward growled, but Cassie shook her head. "Don't give her the satisfaction." She tells him. "It's our tickets and we will go together soon."

Edward nodded and they heard Bella announce she got a paper cut.

In that moment, Bella got a reality check.

"I'm bleeding."

"So." Edward said. "Your blood doesn't affect us like Cassie."

Bella stare in shock as Rosalie smirked. "You thought you would get turned." She said. "You don't deserve this life."

"Leave." Cassie said making everyone look at her. "I want you to leave, Bella."

I watched her walk away. Something was telling me that something was going to happen, but what that was. I will never know till later.

 I will never know till later

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