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Cassie was asleep when I went home and started searching for a ring that I took from my mother. I found it after thirty minutes of searching and looked at it. I would give it to her, but I don't know if this is the perfect ring. I want the ring to be special. I laid the ring down and decided to keep looking for one till I know I have found the perfect one.

Cassie stirred awake and saw Jane. "Hey."

"I had a bad dream. Can I sleep with you?"

Cassie scooted over as Jane got in and went back to sleep. Edward appeared and saw Jane with her. "She got scared." He said.

"Yes." She said as she walked over to him. "Where were you?"

"Doing something." He tells her. "Its nothing you should be worried about."

Cassie smiled as she wrapped her arms around him. Edward held her as he knew she was falling asleep. Picking her up, Edward carried Cassie back to her bed and laid her down kissing her head. "Goodnight, love."
At school, Cassie walked with her head on Edward's shoulder. "Today has been wonderful." She tells him as they walked towards her friends. They stopped as they saw Bella. "I don't like this idea."

"I know, but lets just sit down and hopefully she leaves us alone." Edward tells her as they walked to the table and sat down.

Cassie was in the middle not liking the glare on Bella's face. "What did we miss?" Cassie asked ignoring Bella.

Edward heard Bella's disgusting mind. Bella looked at Edward and smiled. "So." She says gaining Edward and Cassie's attention. "When are you going to learn that I'm better than Cassie."

"Never." He tells her. "Cassie, I think we shouldn't sit here today."

Cassie nodded, but Alice and Jasper joined them causing Edward to sigh as he wanted to be far away from Bella. Her thoughts still pissed him off as he has a mate and that is Cassie. He looked at Alice as Cassie spoke to her friends, but Bella stared as she wondered what Alice saw.

"Edward." Cassie said getting him to look at her.

I knew that I had to tell her we were going to visit her mom, but I have to do it without Bella being around. I can't let her know that Victoria was back, but I don't think I can lie to her. We don't keep secrets so why start now.
Edward told Cassie he would be right back as he needed to speak to Charlie alone. "Chief." He said getting Charlie to look at him. "I wanted to ask you, before I brought up our trip to Jacksonville, if I can ask Cassie to marry me."

Charlie looked at him and stood up. "Edward, has Cassie ever told you why I'm the way I am when it comes to her." Edward shook his head. "When they handed Cassie over, I knew her name would be Cassandra Hope Swan. She was always the daddy's girl and when Renee took them with her, my world shattered, but that didn't keep Cassie from calling me everyday, staying the whole summer."

Edward was shock with this information. "I-I didn't know.'

"Yeah." He said. "She loved us both equally and sometimes Bella hated her, but neither of us knew how much she did."

Edward sighed. "Sir, I never wanted Bella. That first day I walked in the cafeteria and saw Cassie, I wanted to know her. I saw how she is with her friends. How she put them before her. I knew then I had to know her."

"Cassie always had that about her." Charlie said and sighed. "You make her happy, so yes. You can marry my daughter."

Just those words made me happy. Now I have to find the perfect ring and everything set. I have my mother's ring in my pocket thinking if this ring was perfect for Cassandra Hope Swan. My mate and my always and forever.

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