Twenty six

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I never thought the day that drama would continue would come. All we asked for was to have a drama free life and continue watch Aspen grow up and fall in love, but a jealous bitch is ruining that for us.

Edward walked up to Cassie and put his arms around her. "It's time to go gather witnesses." Edward says. "Baby, I will do everything and I mean everything to keep you and our daughter safe."

"This wouldn't have happened if I stayed away."

Edward felt his heart break and turn her around. "Cassandra Hope Cullen, don't ever think that. I didn't want to stay away from you because I finally had my mate. We just never knew it was possible for us to have a child. Now that I have one, I refuse to let anything happen to her and to her wonderful mother."

Aspen walked in to see her parents. "Mommy? Daddy?"

They looked at her just for her to run into their arms. Esme walked by the room and stopped seeing Edward and Cassie hugging their daughter. She looked at Carlisle. "They're scared."
Arriving at the Denali's Cassie looked at Aspen as she looked a bit nervous. "What if they don't like me?"

"You're starting to sound like your mother." Edward says as he got out and ran to the back door.

Cassie stepped out as Edward spoke to their daughter. Eleazar walked out with his wife as they watched Edward and Cassie. Edward walked up to them as Cassie looked at her daughter. "Just show them the truth."


Cassie smiled at how shy her daughter was. They walked up to them causing Kate and Tanya to freak out over Aspen's appearance causing her to run off. "Aspen!" Cassie says as she ran after her daughter.

"She's not an immortal child. Cassie conceived her, but your outburst didn't help our daughter. I came here for help, but I guess that may not happen since you freaked out."

"Edward, I would like to help. Can I meet her?" Eleazar asked as Tanya, Irina and Kate realize what they did.

Edward nodded as he walked over to his wife and daughter. Aspen was crying as Cameron walked over to them. "Hi, sweetie." Aspen looked up with her blue eyes. "I'm Cameron."

"Aspen." She tells her. "Can I show you something?"

Cameron nodded as Aspen walked up to her and touched her cheek. Aspen let Cameron see that she wasn't an immortal child. Just a baby in a four year old body. "She ages fast, but not too fast." He says. "She's very smart too."

"She's perfect." Cameron says. "What can we do to help you?"

Cassie smiled as she looked at her husband. "Spread the word."

Sorry it's short hoping the next chapter I have a better idea and a longer chapter.

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