Twenty three

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I was excited as the day came. No Bella and no stress. I do know one thing and that is Edward hiding something from me. I wonder what that could be.

Graduation arrived and Cassie was excited. No more school and she gets to be with Edward more. She fixed her hair as she was ready to to graduate. A knock on her door had her attention causing her to open it to see Edward. "Hi."


"Why are you here?" She asked.

"I wanted to ask you something. Even though I wanted to wait some other time, but I couldn't." He tells her as he grabbed her hand. "If you were born in 1918, i would have courted you and I would do what I am about to do."


"Cassandra Hope Swan, will you make me the happiest man to marry me and be my always and forever."

I felt Edward playing with my ring. How could everything be so perfect and it was all be cause of him. I love today. Graduation then Alice's party.

"Cassandra Hope Swan."

Bella watched as her sister walk up on stage. Edward smiled as he saw the ring shining. "You asked her?" Bella asked him pissed. "I thought you finally saw that it was me that you love."

"Bella, I've told you this once and I will tell you again. Its Cassie that I want and I am marrying my mate."

Bella couldn't believe what she had heard as Cassie sat beside Edward. The two shared a kiss making Bella glare. They pulled away smiling. "I love you, Cassie."

"I love you, Edward."

They heard it was time for them to throw there caps up in the air making her smile. Edward knew that after this, it would be just them and a peaceful vacation. No Bella and no drama. Just him and his beautiful mate.
At the party, Edward stood with Cassie in his arms as they watched everyone dance. The two shared a look and started to sneak away. They didn't see anyone else as their goal was to be in a quiet room. Edward opened his bedroom door just as Cassie got behind him. "Um..."


"What we did at your mother's..."

"You want us to do that?"

Edward nodded making Cassie walk over to him and kissed him. She didn't mind it as long as he felt relieved. Edward pulled her close and he moved his hand down just for the door to open. "Party's over and we have a problem." Jasper says.

I knew that Alice saw something and that had something to do with the missing people. The look an Edward's face proved it. I, Cassandra Hope Swan, is wanted dead by a newborn army.

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