Twenty nine

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I couldn't wait to get Cassie to our honeymoon spot. Knowing that tonight, I will be completing the bond with her. Seeing her sound asleep had me smiling. She's been asleep since we got in the taxi. Her words were "I'm getting sleep so I can spend our first time wide awake." Thinking about that has me feeling nervous.

"Are we there yet?"

"Yeah." He said. "But we have another trip."

"And that is?"

Cassie watched as Edward pointed at a boat. She looked at him as he smiled. "You thought it was going to be easy."

"No. I thought it was going to be like a regular honeymoon." She confessed. "Where are you taking us for our honeymoon?"

Edward smirked as he put her on the boat. "You'll see."
Cassie was shocked when she saw a beach house. She looked at Edward and smiled. "Welcome to Isle Esme." He tells her. "They told us that we could come here."

"Edward, it's perfect."

"Let's unpack and go for a swim."

Cassie nodded as she needed to do somethings. She grabbed her bag that had her lingeries in it. She walked into the bathroom and started shaving. Once she was finished, she looked at the outfits and shook her head. "Alice Cullen, we are going to have a talk about these. I'm sure I can seduce my husband without these."

She put them back in the bag and walked out with her bikini on. Seeing Edward in the water, Cassie walked down there to him. She saw his trunks. Naked? Two can play at this game, Mr. Cullen.

Edward felt arms wrap around him as he felt a naked body touch his. "Cassie..."

"I know." She tells him as he turned to face her.

Edward moved her blonde hair from her face. He leaned in and kissed her. Cassie wrapped her arms around him as he rushed them out of the water and into the bedroom. "Are you sure?" He asked her.

"Don't you even ask that." She tells him. "This is the moment I've been waiting for since we started doing the other stuff."

That was enough for me to give in. I kissed her as I entered her. Hearing her gasp, I thought I hurt her, but she soon was okay to keep going. The night we spent was filled with our moans. Even though I broke the bed. I couldn't hold back.
The next morning, Cassie woke up to seeing feathers everywhere. Last night was amazing for her. She saw Edward standing at the door causing her to grab the blanket. "Are you hurt?"

"No." She tells him as he pointed at the bruises. "I've expected it to happen as you are a vampire and I'm human. Please don't tell me you won't continue."

"No." He tells her. "I can't get last night out of my head and all I want to do is touch you."

Cassie let the sheet drop causing Edward's eyes to go dark. "Then come and get it."

Edward tackled her to the bed as she screamed out. This honeymoon may be spent in bed.

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