Twenty eight

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The day came and I, Cassandra Hope Swan, am marrying the man of my dreams. Edward Masen Cullen. I'm excited and slightly a little nervous, but marrying Edward means the world to me. Especially after all the shit we went through with Bella.

I finally get to have Cassie as my wife. I have never been so excited to spend the rest of my life with someone till I met Cassandra Hope. Today, I will show her just how much I love her.

"Edward, it's time." Carlisle said as he walked in with Esme as she went to him and hugged him.

"We're proud of you." Esme said. "You and Cassie went through so much, but by the end, you two are as strong as ever."

"I just can't wait to make her mine forever."
Cassie smiled as her make up was getting finished by Alice and her hair by Rosalie. She saw her mom, Karina, and dad walk in. "Oh my baby girl." Renee said. "Crap, my mascara."

"Mom, it's okay." Cassie said as she looked at her two friends. "Are we done?"

"You have to put your dress on." Alice said as Renee and Charlie walked over with a present. Well two.

"This was my mother's necklace she wore on her wedding day." Renee said. "It brought her luck."

"How?" She said.

"Well, she thought she couldn't have children till dad got her this necklace. It brought her hope and here I am." She said as she put the necklace on Cassie. "This will bring you luck too. Hopefully me a grand child."

Cassie's eyes widened as she looked in the mirror. She wanted to cry as she looked at the necklace. "Cassie, this is passed down in the family." Charlie says as he gave Rosalie the hair clip. "I wanted to give this to you since the day you were born. I knew you would be meeting someone like Edward to spend the rest of your life with and I wanted you to know that we are all proud of you."

Cassie smiled. "Not my make up." Alice scolded her causing Cassie to laugh. "Wait till after the wedding."

"Can I get my dress on?" She asked. "I'm ready to marry Edward any time now."

They laughed as Cassie was being anxious for something she was excited for.
Hearing the music play, I knew the wedding was starting. I looked towards the doors to see Jane in her flower girl dress walking down the isle. Next was something I was not expecting. The sight of Cassie in her dress had my heart beating for the first time in a long time. She looked beautiful.

Cassie smiled as she kissed her dad's cheek before taking her spot in front of Edward. Everyone that was there saw the love between the too. Rosalie smiled as her friend was going to be her sister. She remembers how much Cassie grew on her. When Bella tried to kill her, she wanted Bella dead.

"Do you, Edward Masen Cullen, take, Cassandra Hope Swan as your lawful wedded wife."

"I do."

Cassie cringed at her full name making Edward chuckled. "I hate my name." She mumbled.

"Do you, Cassandra Hope Swan, take, Edward Masen Cullen as your lawful wedded husband."

Cassie looked at Edward with a smile. "I do."

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife." He said. "Edward, you may kiss your bride.'


Cassie laughed as they kissed. Everyone stood up cheering as the two people they have watched fall in love seal their marriage with a kiss.
Edward stood by watching Cassie dance with her dad. "Edward." He turned and smiled at the Denali clan. "Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"She's beautiful." Kate said. "She also seems to make you happy."

"She does. She's been wanting to meet all of you."

Irina left before she got the chance to meet Cassie. Cassie walked over with Edward who sighed. "I'm sorry for what happened to her mate." She said. "I didn't have anything to do with what happened."

"Edward explained the stuff the two of you went through with your sister." Tanya said smiling. "Thank you for being the one to make him happy."

Cassie smiled as Edward kissed her head.

I knew that after this, I was heading on a very well needed vacation. My honeymoon. I'm now Cassandra Hope Cullen.

 I'm now Cassandra Hope Cullen

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