Twenty six

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Cassie stood laughing as she tried on dresses. "I still can't find the one that suits me." She said as she walked out. "Can you four, please help?"

"Oh, baby." Renee said as they went looking together.

Rosalie looked at Alice as she knew the girl saw something. Cassie was looking in one section till she stopped. "Oh my god." She said as she grabbed the dress and ran to the dressing room.

"Cassie?" Esme said as Renee came out with some dresses.

Inside the dressing room, Cassie put the dress on and smiled at her reflection. The dress was perfect. Karina and Renee shared a look as Cassie walked out with her dress. "Wow." They all said as Renee was in tears.

"Oh, my baby is getting married."
Leah received an invitation and looked at Bella. "Their wedding day is set." She tells her as Bella walked over to her. "You will not cause any issues at Cassie's wedding."

Bella didn't say a word as she walked away. That wedding should be hers, she should be young, but yet, she becomes an imprint to someone who has a backbone and now she can't get what she wants. That should be me and no one else. She thought as she looked out the window. Leah shook her head as she knew it will take a long time for Bella to finally stop thinking about being a cold one, but she has all the time in the world for it because she will eventually stop and fully be hers.

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