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I have decided to know Cassie more. She was like a drug to me. Her smile, the way her blue eyes shined, everything about her drew me in. I couldn't get enough of her.

Cassie woke up with a smile as today was the class trip to the greenhouse. Yesterday was good as she got to know Edward some, but dealing with questions from Bella was not helping. As much as the blonde loved her sister, Bella was making things worse. She grabbed her jacket and slowly made her way downstairs. "Bye, Dad."

"Have a good day, Cass."

Cassie sighed as today might be the longest day ever.
I stood there watching her and listening to her sister. Her mind was on trying to find answers, but Cassie, I couldn't tell. Seeing her look agitated made me want to kill her sister right there.

Cassie looked up feeling eyes on her and smiled as she saw Edward. "Cassie." The blonde looked at Mike with a kind smile. "I came to ask you if you want to go to prom?"

"Prom..." Cassie sighed. "Mike, I would like to go, but not with you." She said. "I have this friend who's name is Jessica Stanley and she talks about you all the time. Why don't you ask her?"

Mike looked at Jessica and back at the blonde. "Alright."

She always managed to put others before her. How can one human be so generous?

Cassie walked away from her sister as Bella was standing there trying to understand how Edward saved Cassie. The blonde smiled at Edward and got on her bus.

I knew she may ask one question, but I don't think it would be about the accident. If I could read her mind, I would know.
Cassie sat by herself as everyone walked around. She sighed as she doesn't get to enjoy the trip like everyone else. "Cassie." She looked up to see Edward and smiled.

"Hi, Edward."

"How about I help you look around?"

Cassie smiled as he helped her up. "Are you sure?" She asked him.


Bella saw the two together. Edward with his arm around Cassie as he helped her out. Deciding that now is the best she stopped till Edward and Cassie got beside her. "How did you get to Cassie so fast?"

"Bella, that's rude." Cassie said. "Just be grateful that he saved your sister."

"I wished he didn't."

Cassie felt her heart shattered. She looked at Edward, who glared at Bella.

She has no rights to say that about Cassie. I just picked Cassie up and carried her away. I can tell on her face that she was hurt from her sister's words.

"Cassie, ignore her." He said. "I'm glad your safe."

"I am too." She replies. "Edward, what are you doing the day for prom?"

"Nothing really. You?"

Cassie smiled. "I was wanting to hang out that day. Get to know one another better."

With that being said, I knew that I had to know more. Especially what she's thinking.

"Hi, Cassie."

"Hi, Alice."

"Are you riding with us?" Alice asked the blonde.

"That's if Edward wants me to." She replies. "I don't want to intrude."

Always the compassionate one.

Edward looked at her with a smile. "I'm fine with it."
I wasn't looking forward to what Mike had thought. Cassie is friends with one of the mutts. I have to accept that, but I just hope one of them kept their mouths shut.

"Cassie." Mike said. "Jessica tell you about the plan."

"Yeah and it would be good to get out and enjoy sometime with my friends.' She replies. "I'll be back. I'm going to get me a salad."

Bella watched her sister walk up to the salad bar just to see Edward. I know their not human and Cassie doesn't deserve him. Edward growled under his breath as he made his way to Cassie. "Edible art."

Cassie jumped as she knocked her apple over and looked at Edward. "Don't do that."


Cassie chuckled and looked at him. "I thought of reasons why you were fast."

"What are those reasons?"

"It's pretty silly." She said with a chuckle. "I'm guessing radioactive spider, but I know that's superhero stuff."

"What if I'm not a superhero?" He said. "What if I'm the villain."

Cassie shook her head and cupped his cheek. "Your not no villain, Edward, or you would have let that van hit me." She said. "I could never see you as a villain, Edward."

Looking into her blue eyes, I could tell she didn't see me as a villain or a monster. She sees me for me. I can say I was falling in love with Cassandra Swan.

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