Twenty seven

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Aspen looked at her mom and dad as they stared at the visitors that was there for them. She grabbed her parents hands causing them to look at her. "Are you two afraid?"

Cassie and Edward got to her leave smiling. "Of course we are afraid, baby." Edward says. "This was something that me and your mom never thought of happening. Aro will see the truth."

Aspen hugged her dad and her mom. "No matter what, mommy and daddy love you so much."

Edward looked as he watched Cassie take the locket he gave her for her birthday to Aspen. He watched his daughter open the locket to see a picture of him and Cassie when they first got together. Aspen hugged her mom as she started crying. Cassie stood up and left for her house. Edward sighed as Eleazar walked over to her. "They need you."

"I know. All this because someone got jealous over my mate who is my wife and our daughter. I will kill that bitch once and for all."
Edward heard nothing but silence. He walked upstairs and straight to his daughter's room to see Aspen sound asleep. "Cassie?"

"Yeah." She said poking her head out of the bathroom.

"I'm so sorry this is happening. I made myself clear a long time ago, but I guess she didn't care as long as it was me." He tells her. "I forgot all about that woman as the years went by. When I met you, I knew I should have told you there was a female nomad who is just as obsessed with me like Bella."

"Edward, I don't care about your past. All I care about is protecting my family. I love you so much and Aspen, she's so precious..."

"I can't lose neither of you."

Cassie smiled as she kissed him. "You are wanting to cry." She says as she saw the tears. "None of this is your fault, but the psycho who wants you."

Edward hugged her as he buried his face in her chest as he sobbed. Cassie kissed his head as Aspen raised up to see her mom and dad having a moment causing her to smile. She knew they were strong and they will prove that they are innocent. Closing her eyes, Aspen went back to bed.

Pulling back, Edward kissed Cassie. He picked her up and sped off to their room. He was going to show Cassie just how much he really loves her. Even though she already knows.

Sorry it's short. I tried to make this chapter longer, but couldn't. Hope you enjoy this short chapter.

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