Twenty seven

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Before the wedding.
Alice wanted to surprise Cassie and Edward. So she made sure the two are not at the house to see the set up. Cassie smiled as she hung her dress up as Renee walked in. "Hi, baby."

"Hi, mom."

"Are you nervous?"

That was the question I have been asking myself all day. Was I nervous? Is this too fast? Will he stand me up? Question after question builded up in my head, but I always ended up with answers.

"No." She says. "I'm marrying the love of my life."

Renee smiled as she moved her daughter's blond hair. "I'm so happy that you found someone like Edward." She said. "I can tell how much you love him."

I really do love Edward.
At the Cullens, Edward sat thinking about what Cassie was doing. Emmett and Jasper walked in and patted his back. "Come on, we're going hunting."

"I need to go see Cassie..."

"Nope." Emmett said as he sat down beside him. "She needs her rest and spend time with her family. Tomorrow, she will be your wife, you'll have your honeymoon and the next thing we know, Cassie Cullen will be like us."

Hearing Cullen for Cassie's last name had him smiling. "Let's hunt." He said as he stood. "I won't break the tradition and see my bride at the alter."

Jasper and Emmett smiled as they stood up and followed him.

Tomorrow is the big day. I will be marrying my mate, Cassandra Hope Swan.

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