Twenty five

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It was the day before the battle and I have never been this nervous. Edward could tell I was nervous as we stood waiting for Jacob. Seeing Bella and Leah had me shaking my head as I knew that Bella didn't care about the woman who imprinted on her because she wasn't like Edward.

"Hey." He said gaining her attention. "I may not know what you are thinking, but I know it has something to do with Bella."

"She doesn't love Leah." Cassie said. "Leah imprinted, but here we are still having to deal with a woman who thought she has more say so over you and the others."

"Baby, don't pay attention to her." He said. "She will be going home once Jacob arrives to get you up that mountain."

Cassie nodded as she wanted to get this over with. Seeing Jacob, Cassie sighed. "Ready?"

"Yes." She said as Leah shifted as Bella got on. "Let's go."

Edward watched them leave and looked at Jasper. "Let's see if this plan worked."
"So you're marrying him." Jacob said as he pointed at the ring.

"Yeah." She says. "Jacob, I promise you that when Jane's older everything will work out."

Jacob nodded as Edward appeared. "It worked."

Cassie smiled as she ran into his arms and kissed him. Jasper shook his head at them. "You two might want to save that for the honeymoon and set up camp." Jasper said as he left.

Camp did sound like a good idea. I needed to be asleep so I can be fully rested in the morning.
Sometime that night, Edward laid another blanket on Cassie as she slept. Jacob walked in and looked at Edward. "Why are you letting her make the decision to change?"

"I din't want her like me, but I can't tell her no at the same time." He says. "I know the treaty and I know what will happen..."

"If you touch him, Jake, you ruined your own friendship with me." She says as she raised up. "Now stop trying to control my life or it won't be pretty for the pack."

Jacob nodded as he went back to his tent. Edward laid down beside her as she closed her eyes. No one will not tell her what she should do because she wants to be with Edward forever.
The day of the battle came and I was nervous. I didn't want anything happening to Edward or to any one in that matter. This was my fight.

Edward walked over to her and kissed her head. Cassie didn't say much as Edward held her. "A lot of people may die today." She says. "All because of my sister."

"I know, but we are ready for them." He tells her.

Cassie looked at him as they watched Jacob leave. The blonde looked up as he knew. "It's starting?"


Cassie kissed Edward with tears in her eyes. This was not what she was wanting. "I love you."

"I love you too."

They stood in silence waiting for news. Cassie walked to the tent when Edward realized something was happening. "She knows we're not there."

"Meaning she's coming to us." Cassie said.

She gasped as she saw Riley.

I listened to Edward talk to Riley. Telling him that Victoria lied to him. The one voice I was not wanting to hear appeared. She tried to make things worse. I watched them fight, but what had me scared was they both were going to kill Edward.

Cassie pulled out a knife. "Hey, bitch!" She said gaining their attention. "Come and get it."

Edward watched as Cassie cut her arm causing Victoria and Riley to look at her. He took this as his opportunity to fight back. Cassie smiled at him as her plan worked till she saw Riley. Coming at her till Seth ca,e out of nowhere.

Watching Seth drag Riley into the woods as he pleaded for Victoria to save him, I knew that we won. Looking at Edward as he killed Victoria made me happy that is was finally over.

Edward ran to Cassie's side and looked at the cut. "It's not too deep."

"Carlisle can fix it, but right now..." Cassie trailed off as she kissed him. She pulled away with a sad smile. "I'm just glad that you are still here."

"I'll never leave, Cassie."

They heard a howl causing her to look at him. "What?"

"The Volturi is coming."
Edward carried Cassie to the others, Carlisle looked at her arm causing Cassie to see till she saw another newborn. "Um..."

Jacob went over and got crushed before he got the chance to kill the vampire. "No!"

"Damn it, Jake. I had him." Leah said as Cassie held his hand.

"Cassie, I will help him, but for now they must go."

Cassie nodded as the pack left. She walked back over to Edward and hugged him, as they saw three black coats. "I see she's still human."

"The date is set." Was all Cassie could say.

I watched them leave knowing that sooner or layer, I have to turn even if it wasn't time for that for me to turn. Time is ticking.

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