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Cassie woke up to Charlie walking in. "Sweetie, you need to get up." He tells her as she raised up. "I made a mistake and school starts today." She looked at her dad as he kept going on and on about this mix up.

"Daddy, it's okay." She tells him. "Mistakes happen and maybe the school wanted to see us badly that they put it down for today." She walked over to him smiling. "Why don't you go downstairs and lay something out that you want for breakfast."

"Deal." He says.

Cassie smiled as she watched her dad leave. She giggled at how a simple mistake made him panic. Walking over to her closet, Cassie started looking for her an outfit to wear. She heard Bella in the other room and shook her head. This is going to be a long day.

Once she was dressed and her hair fixed, Cassie walked downstairs to start breakfast. "Bella, I'm fixing breakfast." She said.

"Okay." Bella replies making Cassie sigh as she continued her way to the kitchen.
At Forks High school, all the students whispered among theirselves about the two new students. When they saw an orange beat up truck and a blue car pulling, they had to watch. Cassie saw they stares and sigh. Here goes nothing.

She got out at the same time as Bella making everyone stare in shock. They almost look identical, but one had blonde hair. Cassie looked at the students and smiled a little before she walked in.

Finding the office wasn't hard, but finding the classes once she sees her schedule will be hard. "Hello." Cassie said kindly. "I'm here to get my schedule."

"Name dear?"

"Cassandra Swan." She replies.

Once her name was said, Cassie watched the secretary go search for her schedule. The blonde started to look around with a smile. She saw photos that were taken through out the years. From black and white to color told her how old the school was. "Cassandra, I have your schedule."

Cassie smiled as she took the school, locker combination, and the slip that she has to sign. Walking out, Bella walked in. Looking at her schedule, Cassie knew that today will be long for her.
Through out the first three periods, Cassie so far has had a good day. She became friends with Angela Webber. A girl who is shy, but sweet. Now it was gym. A class she actually shares with her sister. Something she was not looking forward too. Bella's clumsiness.

In gym, Cassie was having fun when her sister hit the ball the wrong way. "Oh no." She mumbled as she walked over. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He replies as he looked at Cassie and Bella. "You two are the new girls. Cassandra and Isabella."

"It's Cassie and Bella." Bella replies.

"Thank you." Cassie tells her sister. "I'm going back to the game."

Bella nodded as she watched her sister leave. Cassie smiled as she threw the ball up and hit it. She smiled as the game was back on. "Your sister enjoys sports." Mike said.

"That's Cassie for you. She loves her sports."

The bell rang causing Cassie to jog to the bathroom and change. Once she was done, she was off to the cafeteria. Her mind being on the stares she has managed to ignore. Grabbing her a salad, she walked over to her sister's table. "You're Cassie?"


"Jessica, we have gym together."

"Oh." Cassie said till she saw the door open and walked in. "Who are they?"

Jessica looked and looked back at Cassie. "They're the Cullens." Jessica said, but Cassie zoned out as she watched them.

Bella was curious of how they looked that beautiful. Cassie saw Jasper. A boy she shares history class with and smiled a little at him as he walked by. I wasn't prepared for him. Cassie looked back at the door and saw him. "Who is that?"

Jessica and Angela looked. "That is Edward Cullen." Jessica said. "Totally gorgeous, but he thinks his too good for anyone here. Like I care you know."

Cassie looked at her knowing Jessica was jealous. She looked back and saw him staring at her. She smiled and gave him a small wave, but Bella was not to happy by the way he looks at her sister.
Cassie was smiling as she didn't have no trouble find her last class. "Ah. Miss. Swan."

"Which one?" Cassie asked as she shared this class with Bella also.



"Cassie, I have you a seat next to Edward Cullen."

Cassie looked to see he was in fact in her class. Cassie smiled as she walked by the fan just to see him stiffen. She knew she didn't smell, but his reaction was something that was unexplainable.

Edward couldn't believe the scent he was smelling from the blonde Swan. The girl he was curious about as he couldn't read her mind like he could her sister and knew, she was his singer.

"Hello, I'm Cassie." She replies.

He nodded making her note that he was anti social. Getting her assignment, Cassie reached for her flatworm when her hand touched Edward's. She felt sparks making her jerked her hand back.

Edward looked at her shocked by their touch. Cassie smiled a little and did her assignment. Once finished, she put her initials on it.

From that moment is how my life changed.
Cassie looked at Bella and sighed. "Want me to take your slip to the office."

"Sure." Bella replies as she handed over her slip and walked away.

Cassie shook her head as she walked to the office to see Edward there. "Physics? Biochem?"

"I'm sorry, but all class are full." She said as she saw Cassie. "One minute dear."

Edward smelt her scent from the door opening causing Cassie to see him looking at her. "I'll just endure it."

Cassie moved out of his way as he walked by. She handed her slip in and left.
Outside, Bella was staring at Edward, but his attention was on Cassie. Cassie got in her car just to feel eyes on her and looked back. "What?" She asked.

Edward watched Cassie pull out and left. Emmett and Jasper looked at Edward. "She's not worth it."

Edward didn't say a word as he got in his car and drove away.
Cassie arrived at the diner and saw her dad. "Hi daddy.'

"How was your first day?"

"Eh." She replies as she sat down. "Do you know the Cullens?"

Before he could say something, Bella walked in causing them to look and Cassie sighed as she won't get her answer.
Sometime that night, Cassie was sound asleep when a figure stood in her room. She mumbled Edward's name shocking the figure. Edward walked over to the blonde and covered her up. The sound of Bella's mind coming in made him leave.

Bella saw Cassie still asleep and shut her door. Cassie smiled in her sleep as she was having good dream about him.

I'll be back for you, Cassie.

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