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The next day I was prepared for Cassie's questions, but Bella, I wanted to kill her. Seeing Cassie walking towards me with a smile made my day, but she walked by making me follow. I heard Bella's thoughts and knew she was following us.

"Bella, why are you following us?" Edward asked her.

"Because we need to talk."

"No we don't." He tells her. "Just my mate and I. Not you."

"But I am your mate.' Bella said as Edward glared. "Cassie is just your la cantante."

"She's both." Edward tells her. "Cassie is my mate, Bella, as you are nothing."

Bella stared in shock as she watched Edward disappear into the woods.
I followed her scent and stopped when I saw her. She looked patient sitting on the log. I guess she sensed me as she looked up.

"I know what you are." She said. "Last night you told me, but I know you didn't want me to know, but at the same time, you did."

"Say it." He said as he got closer to her. "Just say it."

"Vampire." She replies.

"Are you afraid?"

Cassie looked at him shock by what she just heard. "No." She replies. "Never. Just the thought of being terrified of you makes me upset with myself."

"Than ask what we eat."

Cassie rolled her eyes. "I don't think it's human." She said. "Your eyes aren't red. Edward shook his head and grabbed her. "Where are we going?" She asked.

"Somewhere out of the cloud bank." He said as she tried her best to stay with him over her leg. "You have to see what I look like."

Cassie was confused as he picked her up. She was amazed by his speed and couldn't help but giggle.

She seemed to be having fun. I may not be able to read her mind, but I could tell she wasn't scared.

Cassie was confused as he sat her down. She looked up to see him walking to the sun. Not saying a word, she watched as he proved the myths wrong when he turned around sparkling. "You look beautiful."

"Beautiful? I'm a monster, Cassie." He said as she followed him.

"I don't see how the hell you are a monster." She tells him.

Just hearing that, I had to get her afraid of me.

Cassie watched him pick up a tree and toss it made her shake her head as she got close to him. "Still not scared if that is what your trying to do."

Edward watched her walk by making him follow her and push her up against a rock. "I can't read your mind." He said. "Please tell me what you are thinking."

Cassie looked at him with her blue eyes. "You." She tells him. "I'm afraid to lose you."

I could tell she wasn't lying. She meant every word and I didn't need Jasper to tell me if she was lying. I took her hand in mind and lead her to a spot where we can be alone.

Cassie smiled as she saw the field and looked at him as the laid down on the ground together. She smiled as she talked about what she was going to do once the cast was off her leg. That would be playing baseball.

She never once asked about me. If this was her sister, I knew she would try to get answers out of me. I'm glad that it's Cassie as my la cantante and mate. She's important.
Cassie smiled as she laid in her bed talking to her mom. "He's everything I have ever wanted in someone."

"Sounds serious." Renee said.

"I wouldn't say serious, but I'm sure everything between us will work out great." Bella walked in glaring making Cassie sigh. "Mom, I'll tell you more tomorrow."

"Okay sweetie."

Cassie hung her phone up and looked at her sister. "Yes?"

"Why you?" She asked. "What makes you special?"

"I'm not special." Cassie tells her. "I have never done a thing to you, but be kind. I treated you like you are the best sister in the world, but you hate me. Why?"

"Edward is why." Bella confessed. "From day one, I saw him first, but he was to busy staring at you. What makes you so damn special? When he saved you, I wished he never did because your nothing, but an ungrateful...."

"Bella!" Charlie said making Bella turn. "Room! Now and I better never see you in here or saying that ever again."

Bella scoffed as Cassie released a tear. "Sweetie.."

"I'll be fine, but can I go for a walk to clear my head.'

Charlie nodded making Cassie sigh. She grabbed her shoe and started walking out of her room.
Alice told me about Bella. I knew where Cassie was going and went there. I hated that a sister like Bella could ever say that to someone as sweet and caring as Cassie.

Cassie sat on a swing thinking of how things changed since meeting Edward. "Cassie." She looked up to see Edward and smiled sadly.

"I guess I should give up if it means she will treat me right." She said. "Why don't you just go to Bella?"

"Because she's not my mate." He said. "You are."

Cassie looked up at him. "But..."

"I never want to be with someone who is obsessed and treats her sister badly." Edward had her look into his blue eyes. "It will always be you."

Cassie smiled as she hugged him. "Can we just stay here a bit?" She asked. "I like this moment."

"Of course." He replies.

I couldn't deny her. Cassie knew just how to get to me and I will prove she is nothing like her sister. She is an angel. A beautiful angel.

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