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I never thought our lives would change. I watched dad and Karina pass at an old age. Mom and Phil pass. Bella has passed, but I don't think her death bothered me as much as dad and mom's. Jacob and Jane have two little pups and another on the way, but my little Aspen, isn't so little after all.

Edward walked up behind her and kissed her neck. "You never change." She says. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He says as they saw Aspen looking out the window. "She hopes to find her mate one day."

"She will." Cassie tells him. "You didn't give up hope and neither should she."

Aspen looked back at her parents and smiled as they were kissing. She was not going to give up hope on finding her mate. A love story like her mother and father's. Something she would love to accomplish with her true love. "Aspen, we're going for a walk on the beach. You want to join us."

"No." She says. "It's your day. I'll be here thinking." Aspen kissed her dad and mom's cheek. "I love you, guys."

"We love you." Cassie says. "Don't give up."

"I didn't." Edward says as he hugged her. "He's out there, but we just don't know where he is at."

"I'm thinking of a trip." She tells them. "I don't know yet, but I'm ready to search for my mate."

"Think about it and talk to us." Cassie tells her.

Aspen nodded as her parents left. She looked out the window to see her aunt Alice. She knew the one person who will tell her. "Alice, we need to talk."

Thank you all for reading this story. Next book will be for Aspen. I don't know who her mate will be or her face claim is. Can you help?

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