Twenty eight

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Edward leaned against the door frame as he watched his wife and daughter read together. The day they have their confrontation was coming and he was ready to kill that bitch. "Son?" He looked at Carlisle.

"All these people came here to help us." He says. "All because this woman couldn't take a hint."

Carlisle put his hand in Edward's shoulder. "Edward, you are still protecting them. I have watched the love you and Cassie have. It grows every day and the same with your daughter. She is a brilliant child and one day, I know her mate will be lucky to have such a compassionate mate like Aspen."

Edward smiled as he looked at his wife and daughter. "All this is for them. I will continue to protect my family."

Aspen laid asleep as Edward joined them. Cassie looked at him smiling. "I heard you." She says. "I will never blame you."

"I know. I just wished people would take a hint." He sighed as he kissed his daughter's head. "I will keep you two safe."

Cassie laid him on his back as she got on top of him. "Edward, don't think about that bitch. I love you and will always love you. Just focus on us."

Edward nodded as she leaned in and kissed him. Tomorrow, he was going to speak up before Alice and Jasper arrive. He wanted to moan, but knowing their daughter was not too far from them, he knew he would have to stay quiet just like Cassie.
The day of the confrontation, Edward held Cassie as Aspen stood in their arms. "I have a plan."

"Edward, I sent a letter out to them after I had woke up. I didn't want her to be mistaken."

Edward kissed her head. "You did right, baby." He tells her. "Thank you for doing that."

Cassie smiled as she felt Aspen pull on her arm. "Mommy. Daddy. Look."

They looked and there they were. The Volturi and the bitch that can't seem to take hints. Cassie growled as Edward held her in place. They heard chuckling and looked at Emmett. "Man, she's pissed off."

When Aro stopped he started searching for one person. "Alice isn't with us." Cassie says gaining Aro's attention.

"Ah. Young Cassie has turned." He looked at Aspen. "I hear her abnormal heartbeat."

"Aro, before this turns into something that no one wants. Besides one." She looked behind her. "I have nothing to hide. I don't know if you received my letter or not, but I made a copy of it. The date and time is the day I woke up." She walked forward as Aspen stood in her father's arms.

Marissa saw the letter in her hand not thinking that there would have been a copy. Edward growled. "You threw the original letter away. It had evidence in it."

"I did it because you belong with me!"

"No. I told you once before and I will always say it. My mate and the love of my life will always be Cassandra Hope Cullen." Cassie closed her eyes as Aro, Caius, and Marcus read the letter. "I love her and our little miracle."

"Enough!" Aro says. "I will not have this!"

Aspen looked at her mom. "Cassie, is this letter speaking the truth."

"Yes." She says. "Aspen, sweetie, let Aro read your mind. Then whoever isn't afraid to step forward that saw me pregnant can prove to you that she is not an immortal child. She is an actual child who grows as the days go bye."

Aspen stood beside her mom as Edward and Emmett walked up behind them. Marissa watched as Edward put his arms around Cassie and never looked her way making her glare. Aro didn't see any crime that was committed. "Cassie, Edward, since this lady made false claims, would you two like to do the honors."

Aspen looked at her parents. "Wait." She tells them as she walked over to Marissa. "If you truly love my father. Why can't you let us be happy?"

"He was the only hope I had for a mate."

"That's not true." She tells her as she pulled a necklace out showing a picture of her mother and father. "Mommy told me the hell she went through with her sister, but by the end of it all, her and daddy came out on top. Stronger than ever. Daddy didn't give up hope looking for mommy and I know if you just move on, you can find your mate too."

Marissa looked at Edward and Cassie to see the love that was there. She sighed as she only wanted him, but knowing that he has a mate and a family, she can't continue doing what she wanted. "I'm sorry." She tells them. "I knew when he turned me away that I should have moved on, but I was afraid to be alone." No one saw Alice and Jasper arriving with one more witness. "I will leave you all alone and start fresh with my life."

"Then we won't kill you." Cassie says as the kings looked at her. "Just because I know Aspen wouldn't want us two to do that."

"Marissa, this time, go and find your mate. Get married and have a happy life.' Edward says as he looked at his wife and daughter. "Just like I have."

"I will. Thank you."

Aspen smiled as Marissa left causing her to look at her parents. "So, what now?"

"We celebrate." Cassie says causing Aspen to run and hug her mom and dad. "I love you two."

"I love you and Aspen too." Edward says. "How about a trip to see grandma Renee?'


The Cullens, Volturi, and the witnesses smiled as the small family walked away. Marissa looked back and made eye contact with someone and smiled as he walked over to her. "Hello."

Edward walked out of his house to see everyone talking. Including the Volturi. Cassie walked out with her bags and Aspen's. "Thank you all so much for today. It didn't turn into a battle and lives weren't lost."

"That's all for Aspen." Caius says. "She spoke up. She's one brave little girl."

"Thank you." Aspen says looking at her parents. "Can we go now? I would like to see grandpa, grandma, and aunt Jane before we leave."

"Of course, sweetie." Edward says. "We will stay in contact."

Esme hugged them as the other Cullens joined the group hug. They may be leaving for now, but they'll be back.

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