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I kept Cassie close to me as we watched the three nomads who we learnt are Laurent, James, and Victoria. Just by reading their minds and how close James and Victoria are mates. One problem is that James is a tracker.

Cassie looked at Edward with a reassuring smile. Edward kissed her head as the wind blew. "You brought a snack." James said as Edward stood in front of Cassie, but the blonde caused Cassie to look at Bella. The person James was staring at.

"I can tell the game is over." Laurent said.

Cassie didn't say a word as the three nomads walked away. Edward saw Cassie walk up to Bella and smack her. "You followed us and now you get the consequences."

"Edward will choose me over you now." Bella said. "It will show just how much he actually lo..."

"You finish that and James won't get that chance to kill you." He said. "I have told you before and I will tell you again. Cassandra Hope Swan is my always and forever."

Cassie smiled at him as she grabbed his hand. "Why can't you just give me what I want?"

"You will never be turned by us." Edward said.
I heard Cassie fighting with her sister and heard all the hurtful things Bella was telling my Cassie. I was so desperately wanting to go in there and kill Bella. Cassie didn't take no one from Bella.

"Bella, that is enough." Charlie said. "Your sister didn't steal Edward from you. He chose your sister over you."

"I saw him first..."

No. I saw Cassie first. In that moment I knew. Bella's mind was disgusting as she talked about killing her sister when she saw the way I looked at Cassie. Watching Bella walk out, I took this as my cue.

"You came." Bella said.

"I'm not here for you." He tells her as he walked past her.

"I thought you finally realized..."

"Bella, you are nothing to me and never will be, so get that through your head." He said as he walked up to the door.

Bella couldn't believe what she heard. Edward was never going to change his mind. Cassie was actually the only person he wanted, but that wasn't going to stop her from getting her what she wants.
"Are you okay?" Edward asked.

"Yeah." She said wiping her tears. "I shouldn't let her words get to me, but she called me a whore and that you never loved me." She says. "It's her you want and that you are just using me to make her jealous."

"If James doesn't kill her, I will." Edward said as he hugged her. "You don't deserve a bitch like that for a sister."

Cassie smiled as she hugged him. She was glad to have him. "I love you."

"I love you." He said as he kissed her.

This girl is my world.

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