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The day finally came when it was time for Cassie to meet my family. I told her about my real family, but she made a point the other day.

"Edward, they have been in your life for a couple decades. You are allowed to call Esme and Carlisle mom and dad." She tells him. "Your parents will understand."

She made a point. My mother did ask Carlisle to save me. I guess it's time to start seeing them as my parents instead of as coven members. Only problem we have is Bella. Cassie is keeping her head straight and putting her foot down to her own sister. Her words still playing in my head.

"Bella, Edward has told you over and over to back the fuck off." Cassie tells her. "You can't handle the fact that he doesn't want you. I don't know how many times he has told you that you are nothing to him."

She put her foot down. Something I figured Bella needs. Someone to put their foot down. Hopefully she finds that someone soon. I want her to leave me and Cassie alone.
Cassie sat in Edward's car looking out the window. She was nervous. She couldn't eat as this was the first time she was meeting parents. Especially her first boyfriend's family, "Cassie, I can't read your mind." He says. "What's wrong?"

"I'm nervous." She tells him. "What if they don't like me?"

Edward pulled off the road and put his car in park. He faced her and cupped her face. "Cassandra Hope Swan, you are the most sweetest and kindest person I have ever met." He says. "There is nothing to like."

Cassie looked at him. "You used my full name." She tells him. "I'm in trouble."

"Cassie, you're not in trouble." He tells her. "I just hate to see you put yourself down."

Cassie smiled.

I couldn't help it. I had to kiss her.

Cassie was shocked when he kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they shared a kiss. They pulled back as Cassie looked at him. "Ready?"

Cassie nodded.
I was starting to feel nervous myself. I helped Cassie out of the car and kissed her head. I may not be able to read her mind, but I could tell she was nervous. I was going to do something that Cassie spoke to me about.

"Here comes the human." Rosalie said making Edward roll his eyes.

"Edward, don't." Cassie tells him as the ones in the kitchen listened. "Rosalie is just being protective. She has rights to be that way."

"I don't want her to make you feel unwelcome." He tells her.

Cassie kissed his cheek smiling. "It's fine." She tells him. "I promise."

I had no other choice, but to listen to her.

They walked into the kitchen. "You must be, Cassie." Esme said.

"Cassie, this is my mother, Esme." Edward said making Esme smile.

"It's nice to meet you." She says.

"How's your leg and wrist?" Carlisle asked.

"Fine." She said. "What smells good?"

"I told them not to do this." Edward tells her.

"Edward, I didn't eat when I left." She tells him. "You all may be vampires, but I would like to eat."

I was worried when Rosalie walked over, but was shocked. Maybe I was worried for nothing. Well that was till Jasper and Alice arrived.

"Hi Cassie." Alice said as she handed her flowers and hugged her. "You do smell good."


"Hush." Cassie said as she looked back at Jasper. "You must be Jasper." Jasper nodded. Cassie smiled as she understood what was wrong. "Jasper, I promise you that you have nothing to worry about." She tells him. "Your strong and you know that."

"Thank you."

That was unexpected.
Cassie smiled as Edward walked her through the house. She smiled at each room till they stepped into one. "It's beautiful in here." She says as she traced her hand against the books. "So many books." Then she heard music. "Classical?"

"Yeah." He replies as he started dancing with her. Cassie smiled as she has never danced like this before. Edward stopped and looked at her. "Want to see something?"


Edward tossed her on his back making her squeal. "Hold on tight." He tells her as he leaped from the balcony. "Ready, beautiful."


Inside Esme smiled as she heard their laughter. "She's perfect for him."

Carlisle looked at her. "At what cost?" He asked making her kiss him before walking away.
Cassie was in awe at the view he showed her. "Oh, Edward." She said as she looked at him. "It's perfect."

"Your perfect." He tells her.

Later, Edward was playing the piano for Cassie. Cassie smiled as she listened.

This song was to Cassie. I wrote it while I was gone, but I knew this was perfect for her. Looking at Cassie as she listened made me love her all over again. Cassandra Swan, where have you been all my life.

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