Thirty one

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Carlisle explained to me what could happen, but...I can't get rid of that little miracle. Looking at Cassie as she slept, I couldn't help, but go to her. Grabbing a blanket, I covered her up and sighed. If I knew she could get pregnant, I would have been more safer, but at the same time, I was over joyed.

Cassie looked at Edward and smiled. "How do you feel about this?" She asked.

"I'm happy. Yes, I didn't know this was possible, but you are amazing in every way. You gave me a blessing." He tells her as he grabbed her hand. "Cassie, I promise you that I will turn you if you die from birth."

"Edward, I know you are still wary about this child, but know that I will try to survive this. Now, I would like to have something to eat or drink." She tells him.

"Sure." He said as he went to get her some food, but heard Cassie gasp in pain causing him to go back to her side as she held her side. "Baby?"

"I think something broke."
Carlisle confirmed it. If we don't get rid of the baby, I will lose Cassie, but I can't. This child is mine and now my family is against me, Cassie, and I'm surprised she's doing this, Rosalie.

"I had enough with you all." She said as she heard Jane and Jacob. "Who called them?"

"He needs to know how his best friend is." Edward said. "Him and Charlie won't stop with the phone calls."

"Back off my dad."


Jacob and Jane walked in, but Jane smiled as she ran and hugged her step sister. Cassie heard Jacob and Edward arguing. She stood up and glared. "Stop!" She said gaining everyone's attention in the room. "I am keeping this baby and none of you have say so. So back the fuck off. My body, my baby, my decision. So shut the hell up about my decision." She looked at Edward. "I thought you were happy..."

"I am." He said as he looked at Jacob. "We didn't know this was possible, but I'm sticking to my wife's side."

Seeing my wife smile made me smile. She was happy with my choice and I will stand by her side about this. I will turn her after this baby is born. Anything to make sure she is happy.

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