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I thought leaving was the right thing for her. For Cassie to have a human life.

Cassie woke up the next morning with Edward on her mind. She hopes whatever was wrong with him yesterday was settled. Now she has to think of school and house work. She grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

She grabbed her chest as she felt pain, but ignored it as she knew it could be something she ate last night. Smiling as the warm water touched her skin, Cassie sighed as she started washing. "Hurry up!"

"I just got in!" She tells Bella.

Cassie sighed as she knows she'll never get time to herself. She hurried up and got out to finish getting ready.
Bella slowly started to become interested with the Cullens. I arrived first to see Edward was gone, but I went on throughout the day worried for him.

Cassie arrived at school and noticed something missing as she turned to face the Cullens as she was going to walk into the building. Edward was missing. She suddenly became worried for him as yesterday he seemed to be in pain. I guess he's sick. She thought as she walked in.

Not once did she see Bella watching them. Her mind was on Edward. Was he sick? Did I do something? Question after question built for the blonde. She suddenly felt wave of calmness. Sighing, she walked off to class.

A blonde stood beside her brother. "Why did you do that for?"

"She has mix feelings about Edward's disappearance." He replies. "She is mostly worried about him."

Cassie smiled as she walked into her class. She saw Alice talking to the teacher and walked over to her. "Hello." She replies.

"Hi, I'm Alice."

"Cassie." She replies. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." She replies.

Cassie smiled as she looked down and looked back at Alice. "Is Edward okay?" She asked. "Yesterday, I walked into class and he acted strangely. I'm guessing he's sick."

"Oh, Cassie." Alice said with a smile. "He's fine and I will surely pass along the message."

"Thank you." Cassie said as she walked away.
Day two and the pain didn't seem to ease. Hearing that she was worried about me made me feel even more guilty.

Cassie smiled as she was eating her lunching. "How about a girls night out?" She asks Jessica and Angela.

"We can stay the night at one of our houses..." Angela said making Cassie smile.

Bella kept staring at the Cullens making Cassie sigh. "Bella, stop staring." She tells her. "There's nothing wrong with them. Their just humans."

Bella glared at her sister making Cassie sigh and leave. Alice followed as she wanted to know the blonde more. Plus she was curious about the blonde human. She saw her coming and being with her brother, but she saw Bella doing everything she can to be with Edward.

Cassie sighed as she looked herself in the mirror. "Are you alright?"

Cassie jumped and looked at Alice. "Don't do that." She said as a blonde walked in. "Just getting annoyed with my sister is all." Sighing Cassie looked back in the mirror. "I love her, but she can let her curiosity get in the way." Cassie looked at them and smiled. "I'll see you later."

The two nodded as Cassie walked out. "She's not curious, but her sister is."

"Bella wants to be like us and to her, Cassie is in the way once the truth comes out."

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