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Edward had asked me if he could give me a ride. I agreed, but on one condition. He has to meet my dad. The one thing that made him paler than what he really was. I couldn't help, but laugh. I just wanted him to be accepted by dad.

Cassie looked out here window and saw Edward. She smiled as she walked downstairs and opened the door. "Ready?"

"I hear your sister." He said. "She's not too happy."

Cassie shrugged as they walked to the kitchen. "Dad, this is Edward." She said. "My boyfriend."

"Hello, Chief." He says. "From now on I will be driving Cassie back and forth to school."

"Keep her happy." He tells her. "Or I will kill you."

Bella walked in and smiled as she stood beside Edward. "Ready?" Edward moved away from Bella. "I thought you finally realized who it is you wanted."

"Yeah. Cassie." Edward said as he looked at her. "Come on."

I heard dad telling Bella to back off. She just won't listen.
"Why can't you read my mind?" She asked.

"I don't know." He said as they walked together through the hall. "It's quite refreshing."

Cassie smiled as they walked together. "I didn't know that." She says. "Why did you leave my first week here?"

"Your not just my mate." Edward tells her. "You're my cantante. Your like a drug to me."

Cassie smiled as she they sat together. "Okay." She said. "Tell me what we are doing today."


Cassie pales as that was not what she was hoping would happen today. the two faced the front, but Edward brought Cassie's chair closer to him. The room got dark making them look at one another. The movie started making this turn into a torture.

I have never felt tension like this before. I tried to focus, well the tried part was ruin when I felt him place his hand on my thigh. I was ready to die.

Edward looked at her as she looked at him. Blue meets gold.

In the back, Bella watched with hatred as she saw how Edward was with her sister. Cassie noticed Edward went to look back as if he heard someone. "Edward." She whispered getting him to look at her. "Don't worry about it." She tells him.


"Ignore Bella." She tells him. "You know what she is thinking and you aren't property. No one owns you."

Edward smiled as he kissed her cheek. Cassie blushed as the bell rang and they were out. "There is someone who owns me." He tells her as they walked to her locker.

"Who?" She asked.

"You." Edward tells her. "You own mine heart."

I didn't know what to say, but smile.

"You own mine too."
"Mom!" Cassie said laughing as she walked from her desk to her bed.

"Charlie said he met Edward. So now it's serious if he met your father."

Cassie blushed even more when hearing that. She gasped as she saw Edward. "Mom, I'll talk to you later."

"Bye sweetie."

Cassie hung up and looked at him. "How much..."

"The whole call." Cassie blushed. "Your mom is right. It is serious."

Cassie stuck her tongue out before she crawled across her bed. "What brings you by?" She asked. "I know it wasn't to listen to my phone calls."

"I wanted to try something." He said. Cassie nodded confused till he touched her cheek. Cassie knew what he was about to do. She moved slightly. "Don't move." He tells her as he leaned in. "Stay very still." Cassie closed her eyes once Edward's lips touched her's.

They pulled away for a second before he kissed her again. The kiss became more heated as he climbed on her bed grabbing her waist before he pulled away quickly. "Stop." She heard and saw him against the wall.


"I'm stronger than I thought." He mumbled as he went to leave.

"Don't go." She tells him. "Please."

I was expecting him to leave after our first kiss, well mine since I don't know about him. Seeing him turn around, I was shocked that he didn't leave. I smiled as I scooted over for him as he got in. All we did was talk till I dozed off.

Edward went to leave, but Cassie placed her head on his chest and smiled. He noticed her door was locked and understood. Only thing he wished he could do is read her mind.

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