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I hated what I was about to do. We talked about it last night and because of Bella, we have to leave, but I'm coming back for Cassie. She's called more than once and the sound of her voice was worried. Just the sound of her voice broke my dead heart.

Cassie sighed as she was confused as to why Edward wasn't at school. She went through the day with worry about what is wrong. She arrived at the house first and saw Edward. "Oh my god." She said hugging him.

"Can we take a walk?" He asked her.

Cassie knew what ever is going on, it's not good. She nodded as he wrapped his arms around her.

The hardest part was coming and I don't know if I can do this.
"Edward, what's wrong?" She asked him once they were in the middle of the woods.

"We're leaving." He said.

Just the look on her face broke me even more.

"Why?" She asked.

"Carlisle is supposed to be ten years older then he is and people are starting to question."

Cassie nodded and hugged him. "It's because of Bella." She said. "That is why your leaving."

"Yes." he said. "But I swear to you that I'm coming back for you and we can do long distance. I don't want to leave you, but if it gets her to move on then I'll do anything if it get her to move on from the idea of being one of us."

"Okay." Cassie said. "I hope you come back soon."

"I will because you're here."

Cassie smiled with tears in her eyes and kissed him.

This may be my last kiss with her for now, but I know once I come back, I'll be making up for lost cause.
Cassie told Edward she could get home, but for some odd reason, she went the wrong way and wished she brought a light. She didn't know it got dark till about two hours of walking around. "Why didn't I just let him take me home?" She mumbled as she trip and blacked out from hitting her head on a rock.

Everyone in Forks was worried about Cassie Swan besides Bella. Charlie need to find her till Sam came through the trees with Cassie. "I found her, Charlie."

"No!" Bella said as she marched back in.

"Ow." She said as she saw her dad. "I'm fine."

"Was you with Edward?" He asked.

"Yeah. We went walking and he explained that they were leaving, but he told me that he would call every day." She tells him. "I kind of got lost on my way back."

Charlie nodded and hugged Cassie. "Let's get you checked out and in bed.your sister is not to happy about the news."

"Of course she's not." Cassie mumbled as she walked over to the ambulance.

If I knew what was in store for Cassie during my absence, I would have stayed, but it was the only way to keep Bella from threatening Cassie or asking to be turned every five seconds. Cassie will be strong. I know my mate.

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