Chapter 15: Here in Your Arms

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Faye's POV:

i woke up to slight shaking and muffled noise. i turned to see Niall facing the other way in the bed with his fave stuffed into the pillow. He was shaking.

"Nialler?" i touched his back gently, careful not to startle him

He lifted his face from his pillow slowly and looked at me. However, due to the lighting i couldnt see his. it was the middle of the nigh and i was wxhausted but i needed to figure out what was wrong.

i reached over to the nightstand and turned on the lamp.

Now i could see his face properly.

although i was sure i looked disgusting as always....

His eyes were read and puffy, cheeks stained with tears and his lip was trembling. His once crystal blue eyes full of life were now seemingly lifeless amd dull.

A hand flew to my mouth.

"Niall...." i spoke. Why was he upset...? My heart ached seeing him like this.

why was he so upset? I was the one who almost got raped...

All i know is i hated seeing him this upset. It was horrible. i had never seen him like this before.

He looked so broken..... but why?

He sniffled and leaned into me wraping his arms around me burrying his face into my neck.

He gave the best hugs.

I rubbed his back gently. I didn't want to push him too much to tell me what happened. He would tell me when he was ready. However, i was REALLY worried....


i just lost it.

i had NEVER lost it like this in front of a girl.

She must think i am a complete baby.......

That just made me even more upset.

i Couldnt sleep.

her gut wrentching screams from when he was hurting her kept playing over and over in my mind.

And the worst part was that it was over the phone, so i could not do anything.

I felt like an idiot.

Why didn't i get there sooner.

Did he actually rape her full out? I was too scared to ask.

But then i just heard her screaming again.

Over and over again.

She was so beautiful sweet and fragile. I couldn't ear it. Especially when i have already started to fall for her...... and there was nothing I could do about it.

She rubbed my back soothingly as i burried my head into her shoulder and sobbed. I felt her kiss the top of my hair and it sent tingles down my spine.

But for some reason. That made the tears stop.

I pulled back and cupped her facein my hands.

She was okay.

I had her.

I wouldnt ever let anyone touch he agin.

I just continued to stare at her.

She giggled.

I could feel the corners of my mouth turn at the sound of her laugh.

"You okay there Nialler?" she asked

"I am now.." I said dropping myhands.

"Can i ask wha was the matter..?" She asked hesitantly.

i nodded.



"You....." he said.

Me...? did he hate me....? I knew he didn't like me.

I was speechless.

"I couldn't live with myself is anything happened to you. And it almost did. I just keep replaying your screams inside my mind. When I was on the phone with you..... I thought i was going to pass out. andI feel horrible.... Its all my fault.." He said.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

He thought it was his fault....?!?!?!?

"Niall do not say that. Do NOT say that. Because if it weren't for you he couldv'e seriously hrt me..... or worse....... But Niall, do not put this on yourself. It was my fault. I am an idiot. I should nver have agreed to let him hang out at y house... I barely even knew him. now can we forget it happened because he didn't actually.... erm... you know... get that far..... I would just like to forget about it and movs past it. Its okay. I am okay. Well i honestly would be probobly balling all night if you werent here with me..... But Niall i am fine now. Please do not stress over it. It doest matter... And hey, i punched him in the face and knocked one of his teeth out!" I laughed.

He smiled.

"Good. I was about ready to knock his whole rows of teeth out."

I laughed.

Why was he so sweet?

god i was falling for him...... But yet again i couldn't let myself. He was Niall Horan. I would end up hurt. And he probobly doesn't like me anyway.... I am not even very pretty...

He pulled me into him and reached over to turn the lamp off.

I felt him plant a kiss to my forehead and then pulled the covers over us.

He wraped a protective arm around me and I snuggled closer to him.

it was exactly where I preferred to be. In his arms.

God I am i trouble......... But maybe I wanted to be.

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