Chapter 48: Put it together

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Faye's POV: 

I entered an unfamiliar hotel that I assumed Niall was staying in. He closed the door behind me and put his head in his hands running his fingers through his hair. 

"Niall are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked him. 

He looked up at me with wet eyes and nodded. Then, I sat on the floor my back resting on the side of the queen bed. 

"I'm sorry Niall." I chocked out after moments of uncomfortable silence. "This is all my fault I just.." 

His sad but beautiful eyes lifted to meet mine. 

"I missed you too much I thought if I broke it off then it would be easier." I sniffled. "But it wasn't." 

Niall came down and sat next to me. We were still silent, neither of us knowing what to say. 

"You didn't meet someone else did you?" He asked. 

I willed the tears not to come out as I said, "No." It was too hard having him so close to me right now. It gave me hope that we could be together again, but then we would just go back to being apart. 

"Faye, I'm sorry.. I didn't realize that it would be so hard when I was gone. I know I did a lousy job of keeping in touch.. But I was going to visit you. And I can promise you that I thought about you every day. And I swear I love you more than anyone else. I swear." I felt his head suddenly rest on my shoulder. 

"Crap Niall." I chuckled through my tears and I heard the familiar Irish laugh that I love. "You're making this so hard." 

"Then make it easy." He whispered and nuzzled his head into my neck making me laugh. 

I finally gave in and rested my head on it's side on his. Closing my eyes, willing myself to believe this was actually happening. 

I kissed the top of his head making him look up at me and flashing me a smile that formed crinkles by his eyes  making me return the favor. 

He then put his hands on either side of my face and brought his lips to mine. I had missed this so much. It was like all the emotion we had missed, all the distance we had put between us built up to this. We stood up and he pulled me closer if possible. Finally, I pulled away and he picked me up and spun me around making me laugh. 

"Niall, you know I love you-" He kissed my forhead making me chuckle before continuing. "But it's just going to be the same. We're going to be apart again." I said raining on our thrilling moment. 

However, a smile grew on Niall's face. "Actually, maybe not." He took my hand. "Come on." 

Leading me out of the hotel room he brought me next door in which Louis, Zayn, Harry, Liam and .. Simon.. Were standing. 

"FAYE!" Louis came at me with a bone crushing hug. He ruffled Niall's hair. "Is the pair back together again?" He smirked. 

"Hold on Louis!" Niall laughed. "Simon," Niall said. 

"Hello Miss Carter." Simon came up to me and shook my hand. 

"Hello Simon." I responded and felt my palms begin to sweat, something that happened when I was nervous. Why was Simon here, and why were the boys all smiling like idiots. 

"I was given the opperatunity to see some of your work." He said handing me an envelope. I opened it to see different photos that I had taken and done myself with my job in London during Fashion Week and regular days as well. How did he get these? I looked at Niall and the look on his face answered my question. "I would like to ask you, to join us on tour as One Direction's personal photographer. With a pay check double than the one you recieved in London." 

My mouth dropped. "Are, you serious..?" I studdered gasping. DOUBLE my London job? I could buy all the cocoa puffs in the whole entire world. 

Simon nodded. "Do you accept?" 

"YES!" I said a bit too loudly and unprofessionally. "I mean, yes, thank you so much sir." I shook his hand again. 

As soon as Simon left I jumped up and screamed at the top of my lungs and the boys joined me. 

I ran over to Niall and grabbed his hands and jumped around in a circle sort of like ring around the rosie. "I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU." I cheered earning an award winning smile from Niall. 

"So does this mean you'll be my girlfriend again?" Niall kept smiling. 

"Heck yes." I brought my lips to his once more.


I was grabbing a glass of ice water from the boys mini kitchen in their suite after winning three games of Mario Kart when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. However, he didn't rest his head on my shoulder like usual and nuzzle his face into my neck... It was weird.. Unusual. 

I turned around and saw Harry and screamed my head off by how close he was to me. Liam, Zayn and Louis sent off into hysterics. 

Niall ran in wide-eyed to find me on the floor. "What happened?" 

I just laughed, thankful that I detected a difference and didn't do something dumb like lean into Harry or turn around and kiss his cheek. 

A confused Niall helped me up and then shooed everyone else off. 

"So, what was that?" He asked. 

I shook my head, "I don't even know. Whats up?" I asked. 

"Well, I have something that I actually want to give you this time." He said whipping out the familiar velvet box. 

"So I get to see what's inside now?" I asked and he chuckled nodding. 

He handed it to me and I opened it and my hand flew to my mouth as I gasped. "Niall no way I can't take this." I said as I looked at the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen. It was a gold four leave clover with a diamond on one of the leaves. 

He laughed, "No really, take it. A piece of me for you to wear." He said. 

I smiled at him. "Put it on me will you?" I asked and turned around moving my hair. 

He put the necklace on and kissed the back of my neck before wrapping his arms around me from behind and nuzzling his face into my neck like the Niall I have missed. 

A smile immediately formed on my face as I turned around and kissed who I can honestly say, was the love of my life. 

A/N: PLEASE READ - important

AHHHH! I'm sorry this chapter honestly wasn't all I was expecting it to be and it's short, and I'm sorry it took so long to update I re wrote it like 20 times, and this was the best one I thought. (: So, unfortunately there will only be one more chapter of this book- BUT It will be a good one(: Please let me know what you think and VOTE it only takes you like 2 seconds! Thanks so much for reading I love you all(: 

ALSO- My newer story 'Frozen' is my new favourite one that I am writing, PLEASE check it out and let me know what you think. I have become such a better writer, and it is way more well writen than this(: And if you liked this, I'm positive you will LOVE Frozen ! 

Thanks so much :*

-Camryn (: 

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