Chapter 37: Christmas

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enjoy the story(: 

Faye's POV:

"Darling, we're here." Niall whispered in my ear waking me up. 

Geez that flight was long. And I almost wanted it to be longer..

I was not ready to meet Nialls parents! What if I wasn't good enough? I mean their son is so beautiful, sweet and talented and then theres me. Just Faye. 

"Princess I can tell you're nervous but please don't be. They will love you." He kissed my forhead which sent more electricity down my spine. 

I nodded and grabbed my luggage and we exited the plane. 

"Niall!" A woman cheered as we got off the plane. 

"Mum!" Niall ran at whom I asumed was his mother. I smiled at her reaction of seeing her son. 

He kissed her cheek and they hugged. 

"And you must be Faye." She looked at me smiling. She brought me in for a welcoming hug. She was so sweet! "Niall has told us all about you. I'm Niall's mum but call me Muara." She winked and Niall tinted a bit pink. 

"So nice to finally meet you." I smiled back. 

"Aw you're so sweet love! Come on then! Let's get home to see everyone!" She cheered. 


"Greg! Get down here your brother is home!" The excitement never seemed to leave his mom's face and it was quite adorable.

Another man, who I am assuming to be Greg, walked down the stairs of Niall's house. "Niall!" He gave Niall a bear hug. 

"Faye, this is my brother Greg!" Niall smiled. 

I hugged Greg. "Nice to meet you. Niall wasn't kidding, you are quite the looker." He winked and I laughed and once again Niall turned red. 

"Greg." Niall whined embarassed. 

"Everyone is coming over tomorrow, since tomorrow is Christmas Eve! I can't wait they will be so excited to see you Niall! And to meet the lady who has my son's heart as well love." She smiled at me. 

She really knew how to make me feel good. I yawned because of the jet leg. 

It was late. "You two are probobly exhausted! You will be staying in Niall's room but Niall I'm keeping me eye on you ya here?" She winked and this made me laugh again. I loved his mom. 

"Yes mum I know!" Niall laughed nervously and we went up to Niall's room. 

"Sorry about that..." Niall said as he closed the door. 

"Are you kidding?" I chuckled. "They're great." 

Niall smiled and brought himself closer to me. "And I'm sure they think the same thing about you." 

"Cheesy, but I'll accept." I wrinkled my nose playfully and kissed his cheek. Niall chuckled. 

I was so tired. I changed in the bathroom into a t shirt of Niall's and shorts. 

"Is that my shirt?" Niall asked as we climbed into bed. 

"Maybe.." I stuck my tounge out at him. 

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