Chapter 36: Lucky

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Faye's POV: 

Christmas was coming and I still had no idea what to get for the boys. 

More importantly, Niall. 

Niall. A grin scretched its way across my face and I got butterflies. Wow. It has been 9 months and I still feel like this. 

He is seriously amazing. I sometimes feel like I am dreaming.

knock knock 

I got up and answered my door. 

It was Niall, standing with roses..? 

"Niall," I kissed him softly. "What's this?" I rose an eyebrow. 

"Roses for the most beautiful girl in the universe." He smiled but I could see a tint of a blush creeping up the tips of his ears.

I smiled at how adorable he was. "Thanks Ni, they're my favorite." I took the gorgeous flowers.

"Anything for my princess." He kissed my forhead smiling.

"So," I started.

"Can we talk?" Niall asked looking a bit nervous.

Uh oh.. I immediately felt my pulse rise and my body stiften.

" sure." I said. "Is everything okay?" I asked. 

Niall smiled, scooping me up in his arms and carried me to the living room and set me down in his lap.

"Niall you're scaring me what's going on..?"

His grin widened, but the nerves continued to show throughout some of his features. "Well, I wanted to know, if my princess, would like to come home with me to Ireland, for Christmas with my family." 

My jaw dropped.

Oh my god! Meet his family?! I was honestly, so honored that he had asked me... He wanted to show me to his family, and he wanted to spend Christmas with me. 

I didn't know what to say.

"Niall..I... am seriously shocked. I can't believe you asked me. I would love too." I smiled and his grin grew and he picked me up again spinning me around in circles. 

"YAY!" He began kissing me all over the face. 

"You missed Niall." He smirked at me and brought his lips to mine. 

His warm lips moved in sync with mine. My arms finding their way to his hair and his tightening around my waste. He laid me down on the couch again and hovered over me not breaking the kiss. His tounge licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I granted. Our tounges exolored eachothers mouths. I pulled him closer to me. If that was even possible..

I loved his kisses. They left me breathless. It was like every time we kissed, it was the first time. 

He kissed a trail down my neck and I bit my lip, panting for air. His hands tightened around my hips and I rolled over so I was on top of him now. I leaned down and pecked him on the lips once more. Both of us were panting for air. 

However, I couldn't get enough of him. Our make out session continued to grow more heated. 

His hands trailed up and down my sides and he kissed my neck again and I accidentaly let out a small moan. Niall smiled, satisfied with the effect he had on my and then kissed my lips once more. 

He pulled away and looked down at me, as he was hovering over me. Adoration in his eyes. I studied his features. He was seriously breathtaking, I have no idea how he ended up with me. 

He kissed my forhead and got up, pulling me up with him. 

"God it's hot in here," I spoke going to turn up the air conditioning. 

"You could take your clothes off?" Niall smirked. I threw a pillow at him while gasping although I knew very well he was kidding. 

"Niall James Horan!" I scolded him and he just laughed and at the sound of his beautiful laugh, I couldn't help but join in. 

He lifted me up again and spun me around, kissing my nose. "I'm just so happy that my princess is spending Christmas with me to make it even more special." 

I am seriously the luckiest girl in the world. 

Not because I have Niall Horan from One Direction. But because I have Niall James Horan. The gentlemen, the comedian, the sweetest boy on the face of the earth. The most amazing person out there. 

And he was mine. 


SO SO SO SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED AND THIS IS SUCH A CRAPPY UPDATE OMG YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE MAD... I will update again later today but I wanted to give you this for now.. I felt this chapter was horrible... So the next one will be better and I am so sorry because it is literally the shortest chapter ever, but I have been so busy. I appologize once again, thank you for reading. Please leave your thoughts- VOTE VOTE VOTE and I love you all!

Sorry once again!


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