Chapter 17: Faye the little sass master, the sister from Doncaster.

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Faye's POV:

I entered the boys' apartment after my interview/meeting with the headmaster. I had the boys' key to their apartment and they told me to go to theirs after my meeting. I had been spending so much time with them I didn't have that many other friends.... Well I guess I had Cece but I never really hung out with her... Cece worked with me at the photography shop. 

Anyways.... I would say my interview went okay..... Okay it went pretty badly...

"IM BACK!" I yelled into their apartment. I took off my shoes and walked into the kitchen. 

I saw there was a note on the counter from them. I could tell it was Liam who wrote it based on the penmanship...

Hey Faye!
We hope your interview went well!
We are just finishing up in the recording studio for the morning be back @ around 2:30!
Make youself at home!
-Liam, Boobear, Harry, Ni and the "sexy one" (or so he thinks;)

 I laughed. Of course Zayn would tell Liam to put him down as "the sexy one". 

I was really uncomfortable in this skirt and shirt and I desperatly wanted to put on sweats. 

I decided I would go take some of Louis clothes. 

Louis was honestly like my brother, we were that close. He looked out for me and was protective of me at times but I loved being like his sister. He was great. We had really bonded over these months.

I took of my clothes and  folded them and placed them on Louis bed. Then, I threw on some of his sweats and a t shirt with superman logo on it. 


Walking back into the kitchen I sat on the bar and pulled out my iphone and scrolled through twitter.

Some of my notifications were:

@NiallsREALprincess WHy are you hanging out with my man @Faye_Carter? I could kick your ugly ass all the way to austrailia. 

@1D_is_life<3 @Faye_Carter is an ugly slut back off from my boys....

@I_Like_Carrots @Faye_Carter can I be you? You are so gorgeous and I am so jealous of you! Lets switch lives please:) 

Some were nice like the last one, but I tried to ignore the mean comments.....
This was another reason I didn't want to fall for Niall... The hate is bad now and I am just friends with them.....If i actually dated Niall things would become a mad house.

I made a new status:

@Faye_Carter @NiallOfficial hurry home Nialler..... If you don't get back soon I will eat all of your food. #hurryup #imbored

He would appreciate that. I smiled.

My phone continued to buzz and buzz with a TON of mentions and retweets. However, I noticed when Niall tweeted back.

@NiallOfficial We are coming home! Do NOT touch my food. You know I will get you for it and you will regret it:) 

I laughed out loud. he thinks he is intimidating. This is just too great.

I walked over and opened their fridge taking out chocolate pudding. I opened it and took out a spoon.

I updated my status.

@Faye_Carter Come at me @NiallOfficial! I ain't scared of you. ;) 

I added a picture of the pudding to the tweet and uploaded it.

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