Chapter 4: First Brick down.

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Faye's POV:

"You can come up to my flat with me, then I will take you to the doctor." Niall said. 

I sighed. I hated the doctor. Don't get me wrong, it is great that they save lives and all but they freaking scare me. Just being in that nasty little room anticipating what's wrong with you. 

I think it is mainly because of my mom though........ But I didn't want to think about that..... 

We made our way up the elevator and a little girl was inside. She dropped her jaw and her eyes widened as big as they could get. 

"Ni...Ni...Niall... Your Niall Horan! From One Direction!" She said. Her eyes darted to me and she looked me up and down. "Are you his girlfriend." I choked on my spit slightly. girlfriend? As if. 

"Um... No love she is just a friend.." Niall was blushing furiously. Why was he blushing...? And of course at this, I felt the color creep up to tint my cheeks as well. 

"Well, you two would be perfect together. You are really pretty..." She smiled at me. I blushed even more. 

"Thanks.." I mumbled. I wasn't really sure how to respond... I mean, compliments were like a foreign terretory to me. I was usually just in the shadow of the pretty girls. But I get it, I wouldn't think of myself as pretty either. With my nasty dark blonde hair that always tumbled down in thick natural waves. I had always longed for straight hair but I had no such luck. I had boring green eyes and I wanted bright blue more than anything. Uggh.... why was I thinking about this? I hated calling myself out on my flaws it just made me feel worse then usual. 

"Can I get a picture?" She asked. Niall nodded smiling and I snapped a picture of the two of them. 

"There you go love," Niall smiled. She beamed back at him and hugged his torso before exiting the elevator. As the doors closed I couldn't help but think about how sweet Niall had been to the little girl. 

It was quite adorable actually. 

"Whatcha thinking about?" I asked Niall who was staring at the door, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. 

"You..." He said blushing. "Just about how what she said about you was completely and utterly the truth." He said.

Wait..... Did I just hear him right....? Was he referring to how the girl called me pretty...? Ew... i am not pretty... But then why would Niall say that. 

My cheeks heated up and I looked down at my feet. 

As if it could sense the akwardness, the elevator doors flung open. And we exited, a smile playing on my lips....


As Niall was driving me to the hospital, my stomach got more and more queasy.... Guh I hated hostpitals so much.....

"Does your head still hurt?" Niall asked looking genually concerned.  

It was actually throbbing.

"No." I lied. He smiled and nodded. 

"So why are you so worried?" He asked. WHat the hell....? How did he know I was worried. 

"I'm not!" I snapped. He raised on of his hands in surrender. Considering the other one was on the wheel so he couldn't anyway. 

"Geez sorry... But I know your nervous... You can tell me Faye." He said genuanly concerned. 

UGGGhhhh. why was he doing this?!?! It was like he was trying to lead me on. Like he actually cared but no. I wasn't falling for it. I had gone through several guys who had pretended to "care" when all they wanted was to get in my pants.... 

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