Chapter 12: What they are thinking (small inside to the boys' minds')

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Liams POV: 

Shit... WHy am I so stupid!!!! Daring Faye to kiss Harry! I can't believe I didn't notice it before... Its obvious now after Nialls reaction that he fancies Faye...... 

What have I done....

 Louis POV:

What the hell just happened.....? I think Harry defenetly fancied Faye.... But why did Niall storm off....? 

Zayn's POV: 

Why was Niall acting like this? I wonder if he liked Faye...... That could be a problem because last night.... Harry came up to me and told me he kind of likes Faye................ 

Harry's POV: 

Faye was beautiful and smart and funny and amazing.... And when we kissed, fireworks literally went off right then. It was like we were the only people in the room.... I was starting to develop feelings for her...........

I hope she likes me back.....

Nialls POV:

I am such a freaking idiot. Faye would NEVER go for a guy like me.... 

Pretty mych every girl we met fell head over heels for Harry.. After all, the curls get the girls. 

she would never be interested in me..... 

I slumped down onto the bathroom floor and just sat there. THhey were practicly making out right in front of me. I saw Harry try to get some tounge! He tried to french her the first kiss!

Now I love Harry and all but thats not right.. It was just a dare...

But I guess not to them.... 

I shouldve known she would fall for Harry.....

She would never like me.... 

I guess I am pathetic...

A salty tear ran down my cheek......

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