Chapter 2: An unexpected departure.

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Faye's POV:

"Faye I am going to miss you... I can't beleive you talked your parents into letting you go! I wish mine would let me but I am still convincing them!" Ali laughed as she hugged me tight.

"Al i love you so much and I will miss you more than anything. Make sure to call me and I hope you can visit me soon!" I said. I couldn't beleive it. I was going to London. Today.


Walking into the airport I waved my parents goodbye and rolled my suitcase into the airport. I was walking through the gates and there was one particular gate that was blocked off. There had to be a hundred screaming girls. What the hell? I walked over to them to see what the commotion was and...

Holy shit.

Holy.... Crap...

Oh my god.

It was One Direction. I remember them from pictures that Ali has showed me. What the heck were they doing here?!? A large man was over trying to control the girls telling them to move back. I walked past the screaming girls and was on my way to my gate which was the next one over. I looked over one last tiime at One Direction. The blonde one looked at me and smiled, turning my head away, I got elbowed in the face by a crazy fan.

Ow! OW! OWWW! Holy shit that hurts!

"Jesus!" I yelped at the fan who didn't even manage to say sorry. I put my hand to the end of my right eye that was now bleeding fast.

"Shit I muttered as I got elbowed in the ribs trying to escape the mob. I got knocked over once again and got shoved into the the red roped line that seperates the fans from the Boys. How did I even end up in the middle of this. Oh yeah, I must've gotten tossed in when i was nailed in the head.

My head was throbbing me and the blonde boy whom I had made eye contact with before touched my arm and helped me stand up straight from all the pushing.

"Oh my god are you alright?" His eyes widened. I shoock my arm from his grasp. I just needed to get to my gate.

"I'm fine..." I said but when I looked him in the eyes my heart sped up light a bass. His eyes.. Ohmygod I got weak in the knees just looking at him. His blonde hair spiked up gorgeouslty and the look of concern in his eyes when he saw me like this.

"Erm... thanks though." I managed to half smiled and he nodded. But just then another fan hit me- this time in the back of the head- into the red liner and I flew forwards only to be caught by the gorgoues blonde boy.

After being hit in the head extremely hard twice, I honestly started to get a little dizzy. I closed my eyes for a moment and felt the back of my head.

It hurt like a mother. I winced and the blonde haired boy called to his brown curly haired friend.

"Get her some ice!" He said. My ears started to ring and it hurt so bad!

I wanted to sleep. My ears were ringing I couldnt hear a lot.

I could see the blonde haired boys mouth moving but I needed to sit down.

"I just need to sit down." I pleaded. When would the pain go away. The boy nodded and took me into the red lining where I was led somewhere. I couldn't exactly tell however where we even were. All I knew is that after a while I was finally seated.

The ringing stopped and finally, i felt noraml, however, my head throbbed.

We were on an airplane.... What the hell? We were the only ones and the seats were leather and all first class. Wow. Nice.... But why the hell was I here.

"What happened?" Asked the curly haired boy.

"I was attacked by those psychos you call fans!" I said annoyed.

"Oh wow.... your eye is still bleeding..." The blonde boy handed me a towel and pressed it to my temple. I took it from him and he looked at the ground blushing.

"Well, no dip. Thank you guys really but I have to get back I am going to miss my flight!" I said trying to stand up. God my head hurt.

"But, your head... Your really in no condition to travel alone. And look-" The blonde haired boy pulled the ticket out of my hand. "We are headed to London too! We have room for one more!" He smiled.

"Thanks but no thanks... I don't travel with strangers." I said getting up.

"But.... we aren't strangers. We're One Direction.." Said the curly haired boy.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Really? I didn't notice. And I don't need some international superstars to take care of me. I don't even know you guys.. " I shook my head in disbeleif. Wow. They thought that just because they were One Directoin they could get me to do what they want. Well, not working this time boys.

"Whats your name anyway?" Asked the blonde haired boy.

"Why should I tell you? Have you not seen the movie Taken?" I asked referring to the movie where the teenager gets abducted by strangers while traveling.

He chuckled. "Well, I'm Niall, this is Harry-" He referred to the curly haired boy. "Thats Louis, Liam and Zayn!" He pointed to the other boys.

"Cool. So see you later Niall Harry Louis Liam and Zayn. I am going to miss my flight." I tried to walk past them and I removed the bloody cloth from my head. Ouch.

"Wait-" Niall pleaded.

"PLease I feel horrible that our fans did this to you. Just tell me your name and please let us take you!"

"My names Faye." I finally said. Niall smiled. God he was realy perfect.... No Faye stop! You dont even KNOW him for gods sake. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Twelve," Harry said checking his watch.

"Shit." I muttered. I missed my flight through all of that.

Niall looked at my ticket and realized my flight was for 11:45. He smiled up at me.

"No worries. Get comfortable. We can take you." He winked at me. Uggh..

"Fine." I said. "But only because I missed my flight." The boys

This was going to be a long flight.

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