Chapter 25: Save You Tonight

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Nialls POV: 

After the call with Faye, which the boys where with me when I got, I bought the first plane ticket to Colorado. It was over night so I would get there tomorrow, but I needed to go as fast as I could. 

There was no time for panicking or crying. I just needed to go. I didn't know what I was going to to, but Louis was coming with me. We had a half plan you could say.

But I couldn't stop worrying about Faye.... I swear to god if they touch her....

Louis and I got into our car and started  off towards the airport. 

Faye's POV: 

I couldn't sleep at all. I mean, I just got kidnapped..... Did they reallt expect me to say,

'Hey! Sweet! Free motel service! I sure am knackered time for bed!' and fall right asleep? Hell no. 

I was pissed off right now. And did I mention I was still shaking from before? But honestly, I was more scared of Niall showing up.. I didn't want them to hurt him. He had done nothing wrong this was all my fault. 

I felt myself yawn. Maybe I did need sleep....

Well it was really the only way to escape this. So I layed down on the matress and curled up underneath the blanket. The room wasn't actually that bad. It wasn't that trashy. And the fact that they gave me a bathroom and a bed most likely meant that they weren't planning on killing or hurting me.. 

I hope. 


"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey." Someone said. 

"Lou go away." I pulled the covers over my head. 

I heard chuckling... That wasn't Louis laugh. 

I opened my eyes. I was in a small room with two doors and a bed.... Then it all came rushing back to me..

Tyler was standing right in front of me. 

I stood up and walked over to Tyler putting my arms around his neck. 

He put his arms around my waste. 

"I knew you would come around.." He whispered. I drew my fist bath and punch him in the face as hard as I could. His nose started bleeding furiously. "What is wrong with you?" He screamed. "AARON!" 

"What is wrong with me? Sorry I don't like being held hostage in a room with kidnappers. Sorry that I don't fucking cherish this!" I screamed at him. 

Aaron charged into the room. He came at me. 

"You better stay back you crazy bitch. I would think you wouldn't want to do anything stupid. Considering today, Niall will show up." He growled with his deep voice. 

"How dare you. How dare you even speak about him. Niall isn't coming anywhere. You prick." I snickered back an intimidatingly as I could. "You will not get away with this. So enjoy it while it lasts moron." I finished. 

Aaron huffed through his nose. I imagined smoke fuming out his nostrals as he did. 

"Oh and Tyler, you are an idiot." I said. "You can't keep me here forever." 

"Don't plan on it." Tyler winked and they walked out.

Sitting on my bed for what seemed like hours, my dads assistant brought me food. 

"Here's some food." He said. 

I smircked and turned away from him. 

"Arenn't you going to eat it?" He asked. 

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