Chapter 19: Why aren't you guys dating already?!

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Nialls POV: 

"Hey mate!" Louis walked into our flat. 

"Hey lou where were you?" I asked him. He had dissappeared. 

"I brought Faye food for work!" He said. Him and Faye were like best friends. I loved it because I fancied Faye... The girl I fancied and my best mate were best mates. ...... Cool! Not to mention Faye and i were really good mates as well however I wish we could be more than that. 

"And I need to talk to you Nialler..." He said with an evil grin on his face. 

Oh great....

"What...? I am worried Louis." I chuckled as he came to sit by me. 

"Do you fancy Faye?" He asked. 

I felt my cheeks turn hot. 

I nodded. 

His smiled grew so big I could fit my fist in his mouth. 

"Shut up Lou..." I turned away embarassed. 

"No no no! Niall this is perfect! JUST PERFECT!" He said. 

"What?" I asked....I was a bit confused. 

"ARE YOU BLIND? Can't you see how much she likes you too?" He said. 

"Well Lou, thats the thing... I don't think she does..." I was being honest. Why would someone like her like... me..? I don't think I would ever be good  enough for her....

"NIALL SHE DOES! Don't tell her I told you or she will kill me..... But she told me she likes you..." 


"NIALL SHE DOES! Don't tell her I told you or she will kill me..... But she told me she likes you..." 

Nialls face lit up like a kid on christmas. 

I have never seen him act this way about anyone. 

I knew he really has fallen for her...  But thats the thing, I know Faye fell for him too. 

Faye was my girl best friend. She was like my sister. And Her face just lights up whenever Niall enters the room. It was something very rare. You don't really see people like that a lot...  They complete eachother and I wanted Niall to ask her out so badly!

"Nialler you know Faye invited us over tonight!" He smiled. "Her friend is coming too." I said. 

"I'm bored Lou... I am going to Faye's house now." He said. I laughed. He really liked her. 

Faye's POV:

"So this is the door to my fancy apartment." I said to Cece who was coming to my house. 

"OOH!" She said excited. 

"No I'm just kidding its not big and fancy but welcome!" I opened the door and her jaw dropped. 

"This is so sick!" She laughed running in. 

"I am hungry. Make yourself at home I am going to get food!" I said. 

She nodded and went to explore my living room. 

Walking into the kitchen I happen to see my Irish friend sitting at the bar eating cereal. 

He smiled. 

"Niall what the hell?" I asked. But before I could think I just started laughing. 

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