Chapter 18: She's threatening me from across the country....Okay!

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Faye's POV

"Hey Cece!" I called to Cece as I entered the photography studio for the day. 

"Faye!" She smiled at me. 

"So, I was thinking we could hang out tonight!" I said. I was trying to make more friends other than the boys' because I knew they wouldn't be able to stay here forever because of their job. And I really did like Cece she was really really sweet. 

"Sure! When and where?" She asked. 

"You can come to my house around 5!" I said. 

"Okay! Are your friends coming? I am dieing to meet them!" She said. However, she didn't know my "friends" were One Direction...She didn't have twitter and I never told her their names so she had no way of knowing. And, she was quite a fan as well... I had only met her about 2 weeks ago. 

"I can ask them! One second let me call them." I said. 

"Alright! I am looking forward to it!" She smiled and strolled of to finish her work. 

I walked into the big office most of us shared and sat down when my phone rang. 

It was Stella....Why the hell was my arch nemisis calling me..? She hated my guts and I hated hers. She was the popular bitch of the school and I was the girl she picked on. Why was she calling me?

"Hello...?" I asked. 

"Who the hell do you think you are?" She asked me. 

"Excuse me?" I was taken aback by her attitude. I thought I was done with her. 

"You hear me bitch. What are you doing hanging out with One Direction? I have seen twitter and pictures. You aren't good enough for them... You better back off. Because I was meant to be with Niall Horan. And you are not about to get in my way." She said. I choked on my water. Did I just hear her correctly.

"Okay and If I do get in your way what are you going to do?" I asked smiling, trying not to laugh. This was very amusing that she was threatening me from across the country. 

"You don't want to know. Stay away. I am warning you." She growled. This time a chuckle actually escaped my lips. 

"Okay Stella. Whatever you say." I said nonchalontly. 

"Watch your back slut." She said then I heard a sound signalling that she had hung up. 

I put the phone down. Turning around I saw my best friend standing before me. 

"Lou!" I smiled. 

Louis had a bag of food in his hand.. 

"And you brought food! You know me so well!" I said. I freaking loved food. Niall and I had a food problem.....

"Your welcome Faye! Who were you on the phone with just now?" He asked. 

"This girl Stella. I've told you about her haven't I?" I asked.

"Oh Yeah! The bitchy one! What did she want?" He looked confused. 

"She called to tell me to back off from 'her Niall' or else." I said. He laughed. 

"What is she going to do about it?"

"I asked her the same question and she was all 'you don't want to know' and shit." We laughed. 

"Thats pretty funny. I can take her though!" He flexed his muscles and I laughed. "But speaking of you and Niall..... What is the story on that?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me. 

I could feel my cheeks turn hot. "There is no story Lou... We are just friends.." I said breaking eye contact pretending to sort through pictures on my desk to make it less akward. 

"Oh don't give me that Faye! I know you and I see the way you look at him. Not to mention the way he looks at you... I know you like him." He smiled. 

"Okay fine! I do okay! Need me to spell it out for you?!?" I said. 

He smiled. 

"I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!" He lifted me up and spun me around. "ANd guess what? I am almost 100% possitive Niall fancies you as well!" He said. 

I laughed. "why would he fancy me..?" I asked him.

"because just look at you Faye... You are so beautiful, you have a great personality, you are funny... And you LOVE food.." He said. We both laughed.

"Thanks Lou." I hugged him.

I really hoped Louis was right...


Sorry Its so short! It is just a filler! 
I haven't had a lot of time my winter break has been spent writing a 40 page paper for school!

Yup. Fun I know right.

Note my sarcasm^

Well thank you for reading. Keep reading.

I will update soon:)  

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