Chapter 3: Don't Give In

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Faye's POV: 

"Shut up. Your pathetic and don't deserve me anyway.." Jake's eyes fumed at me disgusted. 

"I'm pathetic?!? YOU CHEATED ON ME TWICE! I gave you a second chance and you demolished it." A wet tear streamed down my face but I quickly wiped it away. Then a stinging sensation met my face and  it stung with pain. I yelped........... 

Shooting up in my chair I recalled the dream I had just had... Uggh.. I had tried so hard to forget about thosoe memories.... Ugghh.. Jake...

No. I dismissed this thought. The past was not going to ruin the present. There was a reason I wanted to move out. For a fresh start! And that is exactly what I am going to get. 

I remembered I was in One Directions plane and looked over at the boys. Harry was on his phone, Liam and Zayn having a quiet discussion. Niall was asleep and he looked adorable. He was all curled up and a small smile was plastered on his sleeping perfect face. Louis was listening to music and dancing slightly. I rolled my eyes. Louis looked up and met my gaze, smiled then walked over to the empty seat next to me. 

He took off his beats and smiled at me. 

"HEY!" He said enthusiasticly. 

"Shush Louis Niall is sleeping!" SLiam whisper-yelled from the other side of the plane. I giggled as Louis rolled his eyes. 

"So, girfriend, what brings you to London?" He raised an eyebrow. 

Should I tell him.....? I mean I barely know him. 

"Why should I tell you?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him and picking up a magazine to show him I was not interested in having this conversation. 

"Oh please. What am I going to do. Stalk you? However, I wouldn't tell Nialler over there... He might be the one to follow around on those actions." He said. What did he mean by that......? "I wouldn't be surprised if he fancies you." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks. 

"I don't even know him." I said immediatly. 

"Well, every lover has to meet their other half sometime...I can tell we are all going to be besties... then the part where you and Niall blossom comes in. Just watch." He said again grinning. 

"Louis- For gods sake I met you guys two hours ago!" I slammed the magazine down on my lap. "I don't know you, you don't know me. And after this plane lands, we will carry on like it never happened. Becuase I have a life to attend to. And nothing on the schedule says; hang out and become best friends with international superstars and then fall in hopelessly in love, become famous and become a singer just like them! Then we can all live happily ever after! But no. Sorry Louis. Not this time," I spoke. Then I added in a whisper "Not ever," smirking at him. Then I got up and took the seat in the row in front by myself. 

As I opened the magazine again and as Louis passed by I heard him say faintly

"And why would that all be a bad thing...?" He whispered but I could tell it was directly aimed for me and only me to hear. 

I asked myself, Why would that be a bad thing......?





Thats rediculous to even imagine something like that happen. I am just a regular 18 year old girl from America and they are international pop stars. 

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